
314 articles

Every Ounce Counts

We milked Mama for the first time today! There was resistance and cooperation, more resistance, a bit of grain nibbling, a calm moment or two and more resistance. Exactly how one might expect a goat to react who's never been milked before. No surprises here. Poor Mama, though. So, in an effort to keep the experience as positive for all…

Disbudding Day

It truly was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I'm not sure there are sufficient or appropriate words for today and there are no photos of the process. Necessary? Yes. Something we got through because we had to? Yes. Terrifying/stressful/heartbreaking? Absolutely. I did my best to soothe each baby, with it's tiny head in my hands, with my…

You’ve got to be kidding me!

Oh boy! Do I have a story to tell you!!! It's quite long, a full three chapters, so sit back, get comfy, and enjoy the ride :-) Spoiler Alert: It's mostly about baby goats, but there are a couple of other pieces of today's puzzle I'd like to share, too. 1 - Mama Delivered!!! Late last night, just as Kim,…
New Life

New Life

The ducklings had their first peek at sunshine today! Not only is Kitty giving them just a bit more breathing room, but she actually got off her clutch for a few minutes! Of course, I didn't have my camera on me when that happened, but it was glorious none-the-less! The sweet little fluff balls are starting to push out from…


Mama Mello might still be holding those kids of hers hostage, but Kitty has "delivered" her ducklings to us right on time! Today marks day 35 since Kitty sat on her clutch, and in perfect form, all those ducklings she's been caring for so diligently began hatching early this morning! Now, she's guarding them well, holding them close under her warm belly…

Oh Mama! (Kidding Prep)

T-Minus 10 days and counting, and I can't imagine how much bigger Mama might get between now and her sweet babies joining us! We've spent the month of April doing our best to pull everything together for the arrival of our very first kids (and births!) on the farm. We're nervous and excited, worried and trusting, exhausted and inspired. We've…