• Goats

    Disbudding Day

    It truly was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. I’m not sure there are sufficient or appropriate words for today and there are no photos of the process. Necessary? Yes. Something we got through because we had to? Yes. Terrifying/stressful/heartbreaking? Absolutely. I did my best to soothe each…

  • Goats

    You’ve got to be kidding me!

    Oh boy! Do I have a story to tell you!!! It’s quite long, a full three chapters, so sit back, get comfy, and enjoy the ride 🙂 Spoiler Alert: It’s mostly about baby goats, but there are a couple of other pieces of today’s puzzle I’d like to share, too.…

  • Ducks - Goats

    New Life

    The ducklings had their first peek at sunshine today! Not only is Kitty giving them just a bit more breathing room, but she actually got off her clutch for a few minutes! Of course, I didn’t have my camera on me when that happened, but it was glorious none-the-less! The…

  • Ducks - Poultry


    Mama Mello might still be holding those kids of hers hostage, but Kitty has “delivered” her ducklings to us right on time! Today marks day 35 since Kitty sat on her clutch, and in perfect form, all those ducklings she’s been caring for so diligently began hatching early this morning! Now, she’s…

  • Goats

    Oh Mama! (Kidding Prep)

    T-Minus 10 days and counting, and I can’t imagine how much bigger Mama might get between now and her sweet babies joining us! We’ve spent the month of April doing our best to pull everything together for the arrival of our very first kids (and births!) on the farm. We’re…

  • Turkeys

    2016 Turkeys

    It’s been a month since we brought our first batch of turkeys home for the season and I just realized that I have yet to introduce them to you! (I’ll blame this oversight on Spring Fever, which seems to have completely muddied my brain with visions of kids and ducklings…

  • Poultry

    The Feathered Nest

    Eggs… Feathers… Down… And…we’re off! Well, Kitty isn’t sitting on them yet, but we officially have the beginnings of a clutch!!! #ducks #duckeggs A photo posted by Melissa (@evergrowingfarm) on Mar 24, 2016 at 7:08pm PDT We’re up to nine!!! So the big question is…how long do the eggs stay…