Posts written by: Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

They’re breeding like…ducks?!

When Kitty set her clutch in January, I thought she was a bit off her rocker... But I rolled with it and let her do her thing, trusting her instincts over my human worry. When she hatched out nine of 15 eggs I thought that seemed about right given the temperature fluctuations and such, but what do I know? As…

Straightforward Woo

I'd like to formally introduce you to my next Chapter and new business: Straightforward Woo. But before I get into all things Woo, I'd like to start by saying that this space isn't going anywhere, so don't worry :-) Ever Growing Farm will continue to grow and I will continue to write about all our adventures as often as possible. I…

Shown, Unshown – Marching into April 2017

I want to start off this post by thanking each and every one of you for your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes (whether spoken or left unspoken) as we've processed our losses. Your care, compassion, and intentions for us are all so deeply appreciated. I realize that the last couple of posts here have highlighted the grief we have experienced…


You guys, we lost our sweet pup Arco in the night last night and we are absolutely heartbroken. We don't know what happened and may never know. . . Though hindsight being what it is, in between bouts of tears, cuddling with E, and keeping ourselves busy, we have a guess or two. All we know for sure is that he was…

And then there were four…

You guys. . . I've debated even writing about this because I'm still coming to terms with the rough patch we've hit with Kitty's clutch of ducklings. . . But in the interest of transparency and showing the reality that is farm life. . . As well as in simply documenting this journey of ours. . . I know it's…

Muscovy Ducklings!

Our March ducklings have officially arrived! Kitty, having sat on her clutch for the last 36 days straight (except for a few breaks to stretch her legs on the warmest days), was finally able to see her ducklings this morning! Knowing the day was near (we actually thought they'd hatch yesterday), we've been keeping a close watch on her behavior…