Posts written by: Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

On Passion

My good friend Stacia posted this question about passion on her Facebook business page the other day, Tell me! What's your passion, and how are you bringing it to the world? And I had to think real hard about which passion I could answer with because I have so.many.passions! I could have mentioned my passion for equality amid the deep tension…

And so we wait…

I kid you not, we'd just put her on the cull list. With wonky, inconsistent eggs and a perpetual limp (for no good reason) we figured she could provide a nice stock since she's beyond her prime for straight eating. And then she goes and does this. I swear she must've heard us and decided to pull her weight in new…
Shown, Unshown – May into June

Shown, Unshown – May into June

This post could have easily be called, "On remembering why we started". Though I microblog a lot these days, there are times I'm not sure how to even address the battles happening on the farm and within myself... And so I wait to find the right words at the right times to put in this space so as to properly…

I just couldn’t tell you another sad story…

It's been a rough spring on the farm! Let me tell you, keeping animals is hard. Like, daydreaming-of-throwing-in-the-towel hard. We've seen a lot of loss here in the past couple of months and so I, really and truly, just didn't want to tell you another sad story. So I didn't tell you when our fiercely independent mama duck (the one…
Seven Kids in 14 Hours

Seven Kids in 14 Hours

Whew...they say things come in waves...and in threes...and so, boy do I have a story for you! As the title alludes, we had seven kids born within 14 hours here this weekend...Saturday afternoon thru Sunday morning. Lucy started showing signs of labor late on Friday evening. Pawing a bit, begging for pets, and lying real still. Saturday morning brought us…

Kidding Prep

We've got three extension cords running the property to power the baby monitor and a shop light down in the Goat Barn... The Emergency Care Bin down in the Garden Shed (which is right next to the goat's yard)... And clothes, jackets, hats, and headlamps all laid out on the Dining Room table. We're checking vaginas and udders, pin tendons…