

Being new to a property and micro-climate is a trip!

You know…

We’d noticed a few of the trees in the orchard that grew at incredibly wonky angles, but it wasn’t until the winds picked up in the spring and sent very heavy items spinning about like children’s toys, that we made the connection between bent trees and the “wind events” that are apparently pretty common out here.

And we heard about the horror of the stickers/pokies that come in with a vengeance after the summer rains, but it wasn’t until we worried about the drought and then got pummeled by some super intense monsoon rains that we learned the full horror of said pokies and their ability to ruin a perfectly good day.

We’d also heard from some of the locals that this winter would surely shape up to be a hard one, but with climate change in full effect in the high desert and our absolute cluelessness, we didn’t really know what that might mean.

Well, we’re less than two weeks into what’s officially deemed Winter and we’ve already surpassed the average snowfall for our little valley in two strong storms that each dropped over a foot.

And that’s not even counting the five inches we got in a smaller storm in November.

So, whether it’s El Niño related or not, Winter is, quite officially, here.

How’s the season shaping up in your neck of the woods?


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7 Comments on “Winter

  1. Melissa!! Omg, I have found your blog again……from my OWN farm! Yes! We finally did it. 24 of our very own acres!

    We’re in summer here in Australia, it’s pretty hot where I’m at, and a few late afternoon storms. We’ve acclaimatised well to the heat I think…helps that we have a pool! We’re in drought here, they say the worst in 100 years. I think where we are, it is starting to ease…maybe? I think short term rain doesn’t count…but the paddocks are greener, horses not interested in comming in for food….too often lol and the best part is the tanks are filling!

    I’m going to go and read all the posts I’ve missed. Your winter wonderland looks amazing to me!

    1. Oh Linda! I’m so glad you found me again! And OMG…you bought a farm!?!? CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to hear more!!! Drought is no joke, so I’m glad you’re getting *some moisture! Tell me more about your farm! I’m so excited for you!

      1. Well, our farm is in an area I NEVER thought we’d move to lol but after failure after failure after failure to buy other places this one just fell in to our laps…with so VERY many spooky coincidences we can’t help but be thankful and acknowledge the divine providence around it all!

        It’s 24 acres, pretty dry but water secure if that makes sense? Have a good bore for stock and irrigation and lots of house tanks as well as a spring fed dam ( pond ) and a run off dam ( pond ). The ground is pretty neglected, we arrived to yellow and purple fields ( narrow leaf St. John’s wort – not the broad leaf medicinal kind , and Patterson’s Curse….both toxic to horses! ) which needed a spray plan ASAP…..never thought I’d be dumping toxins on my own land….a sad day for sure! But we can move forward with a good amendment plan for the soil which should prevent both weeds comming back!

        We’ve had our ups and downs, bore pump died a week or so in, horses kept escaping their non electric safe space….so we’re housed in a small house paddock…and fed lucern 4 times a day…eeek…but also so many ups! Beautiful neighbours who come at 8pm to fix a broken tap, kind folk who pay your eldest $20 a time to ride a horse the lady couldn’t! Amazing sun rises and sun sets, clean air, kids who have so much space and adventure! Sightings of wallabies, an echidna, a goanna and wombat poop ( but no wombats yet! ). Also fruit trees! No where like your place, but an apricot that has been dripping glorious fruit for the last few weeks, Apples bursting, grapes going nuts and a surprise harvest of elephant garlic!

        So many plans now lol and our first animal acquisition! A rooster named Dave lol my boys helped the old man who lives in a small place at the front of our block….helped him build a new chook house door over two days and we’re paid in rooster!

        Working on fencing at the moment…good perimeter fences and two internal divisions, but will need to divide further for the horses to have two 5ac paddocks and then the front paddock as a third….then if we can stretch the rounds, three goat/sheep paddocks in the trees/rocky area! Not to mention making a duckery ( our autumn and winter plan ) and setting up a kitchen garden!

        So very thankful for everything we have here! Even the hard times!

        And now I’m all caught up on your year! What a whirlwind of moving and growing and harvesting and kidding and a little well earned holiday! I LOVE the space you’re currently in with the abundance it’s produced for you. So amazing! And congrats on your house sale! I will be watching this space as you guys move closer to your forever farm…while enjoying the wonderful space you’ve got now! Perfect huh!

        Belated happy new year!

        1. OH wow! Wow, wow, wow!!! I am so excited for you and your family! What an amazing new journey you’re on and it sounds like you’ve landed in a nice community! I have to admit, I had to laugh just a bit about the challenges you’ve faced as I’ve come to learn that there is *always something that has to be done, even when you think it’s all square 😉 I try to remember to laugh at myself when something else happens, because it always does. Case in point, our electric fencing isn’t working again today because of all the snow we got yesterday even though Kim finally fixed it the day before yesterday from the massive storm we got last week. LOL! OH, but the good *always outweighs the bad, otherwise, why would we be doing any of it?!

          OK…now for the BIG question…might you start your own blog (or Instagram account or something)??? Oh how I’d love to SEE it all 🙂 No pressure, of course, just genuine interest <3

          Hope your week is off to a lovely start!

          1. Oh no re your electric fence! We’re new to that kind of fencing, and it was a drama for us to do it too….in terms of I just walked in to the feed store and said “ sell me all the stuuuuuffff” and they did….but sold me sight wire…not the tape, and no earth pole or clips for the pickets….so another trip in to town…after tears…so many things had happened in the lead up to that moment…no laughter left! But then we got it up and running and could fence off the hay storage from the horses and it has been just doing it’s thing! Hopefully you guys can get yours sorted ASAP so your goats can stay put!

            I already have an insta account, and after taking a break I’m back on it! No idea how to link so I will comment on your latest post ( I already follow you guys there too! ).

            Enjoy your week, especially now it’s started with a snow day!!!

  2. Hope you are all keeping warm and well. Winter is yet to arrive here – only a light touch of frost in the morning. Last year the snow didn’t arrive till February so I’m hoping to have more fruit trees safely planted before then.
    Judith recently posted…Old Year Doors 3My Profile

    1. Oh wow…what a late Winter for you! Unless…is that typical? Often January and February are our hardest months but everything is a crap-shoot anymore 😉 Hope you get a few more trees safely in the ground before the real cold hits! Stay cozy!

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