Chickens - Ducks - Poultry - Turkeys

Quiet around here…

With our Freezer Wealth bursting at the seams with the nine ducks, seven turkeys, and five chickens that have recently been culled, I am humbled by the quiet that whispers through the property these days.

There will be more to say about the process, the plans, and the recipes (especially in regards to the ducks) but, for now, there are just these moments of quiet and immense gratitude for the experiences of and lessons on this gorgeous piece of property this year.


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5 Comments on “Quiet around here…

  1. Hey Melissa, I just wanted to pop in and tell you…we have babies! 4 of the sweetest yellow balls of fluff 🙂 2 eggs not hatched, mums gone back to sit on them with her babies cheeping around. What an utterly glorious time! My kids are totally over the moon and all had a little hold 🙂 anyway, I just wanted to share. I feel like I’m a country girl!!

    1. That is the best news ever, Linda! Thank you so much for sharing your joy with me! Enjoy every minute!

  2. Wonderful. Peace and quiet. Immense gratitude for the gifts of a gorgeous place. May you continue to have all of that you desire. 🙂

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