If we were having coffee...

If we were having coffee…

If we were having coffee, I greet you with a great big hug and thank you for joining me here in time and space to enjoy a big fat cuppa and catch up!

I’d try to figure out when we last met and, upon backtracking, be shocked that we’ve missed an entire summer together! (Whew…I knew it’d been a while, but geez…)

I’d ask you how you’ve been and how you spent your summer days?  Did you go on wild adventures? Have picnic in the grass? Lay under the stars? Watch blockbuster movies and drink gobs of beer (or iced tea)?

We had a lovely summer, though so full and so busy (hence the inability to meet for coffee until now).

Between our jobs and our toddler, the goats and the poultry, the garden and the orchard, we have been running for months and there’s not really an end in sight until December (I wish I was joking there, but I’m not and I need to figure out how to carve out some time for the creation of holiday gifts)! Oh, and let’s not forget said toddlers 3rd Birthday on October 7th!!!

If we were having coffee, I might tell you that we’ve actually been fantasizing about packing it all up and hitting the road, maybe hit all the National Parks and as many Farmers Markets and small farms as possible…pay down some debt, sell off 2/3 of our possessions, put the rest in storage and wander for a bit?  Maybe in a couple of years…

It couldn’t happen immediately, but if we could pay down some debt, sell off 2/3 of our possessions, and put the rest in storage we could wander for a bit, have some family adventures, and allow ourselves the space to just be. Maybe in a couple of years…

Maybe in a couple of years 🙂

In the meantime, I’m feverishly prepping for my very first showing of my photography in the 2016 Abiquiu Studio Tour!  I’ve been hemorrhaging money trying to get some inventory ad have used Groupon many a time in an effort to 1) keep my costs down and 2) learn whose prints I like the best.  With two weeks to go to prep, I still have so much to do, but I’m getting excited and am hopeful this will be a good jump off point for this next chapter of my Creative Life.

In preparation for Tour I’ve set up a Photography page and shop here on the site as well as added in a sidebar link to the  shop.  I’m thinking, however, that a static landing page with links to both my photography and my blog will serve me better and not be so confusing to First Timers here.


Oh! And guess what?  Inspired by Diana and this encouraged by this fantastic #coffeeshare, I have created “If we were having coffee…” greeting cards using my featured photos from each coffee post for those who still use or want to get back to the art of Snail Mail 🙂  Those will all be in the shop shortly!

If we were having coffee, I’d now have to thank you for joining me and apologize for needing to run off so soon!  I must make it to work by 7am today and am already a few minutes behind.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and week ahead and do hope we can catch up again very, very soon 🙂


Linking up to Mart Time Monster Blogs’ #weekendcoffeeshare

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12 Comments on “If we were having coffee…

    1. Thank you so much, Karen!!! I’m super excited and also quite nervous!

    1. Oh my! 15 years of travel!? How phenomenal! I’m sure you have some amazing tales to tell!!!

  1. It’s nice to see you! It sounds very busy, but in a good way, if you have minute to slow down enough to appreciate it… On the other hand, I can see why you are looking forward to a time when you could take a break and get away for a while. I’m assuming you are thinking while the toddler is still young enough that you don’t have to worry about her missing school. I hope the studio Tour goes well! Have a great week!

    1. Hiya Trent! Good to see you, too! Yes, we’re thinking in a couple of years before Ember is full on in the school system, but after we’ve given ourselves some time to be in a better financial place and have prepared a bit for the adventure 🙂

  2. I like a landing page with links to each site (with links to each site ON each site, of course, too). Congrats on the photo show!

    1. Thanks, Tara! Still working out a few kinks, but I’m happier today with the site changes than I was yesterday, so there’s improvement 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and for your well wishes!

  3. What a wonderful full life you guys have!! I also love your photos Melissa, I think they will sell and exhibit well 🙂 your future traveling plans sound like fun too! Life’s potentials are just amazing huh 😀

    1. Thanks, Linda! They’re lofty goals at this point, but worth exploring 🙂 I’m hopeful other will enjoy my photography as much as I enjoy the process of taking and processing them, but right now I’m just nervous 🙂

  4. Good luck with the greetings cards. I’ve enjoyed the characterful photos in your coffee series.

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