
Why did the Leghorn cross the road?

Because he didn’t know that that’s where the coyotes live 😉

White Leghorn Chick - 3

White Leghorn and Ameraucana Pullets White Leghorn Pullet feathers

Despite their cute beginnings and all our hope for gobs of pure white eggs, our Leghorn chicks have grown into the most ridiculous chicken raising experience to date.

Between their flightiness (yes, you all warned us) and our dogs, we’ve lost five of our eight Leghorns to escape and Dog Lunches.

Of the three that are left, one is a rooster, one might be a rooster, and one is definitely a hen who is giving us a single, beautiful white egg on an almost daily basis.

White Leghorn pullet egg

The escaped rooster you see above got out of the coop, was chased around by our dogs, made it through the electric fence, and wandered the property adjacent to ours for a bit before making his way home again.

Silly leghorn.

Luckily, it was early enough in the evening that the coyotes weren’t quite out yet, but he may not be so lucky next time.

Broody Buff

On another, semi-related note, our Buff has not yet hatched out her set but today is the day we kind of banked on as having the greatest possibility for hatching (given our wonky math due to our uncertainty as to when she actually settled herself in).

Today is also the day that Kim and I celebrate our Tenth Anniversary (!) so a batch of baby chicks sound like the perfect gift to me 😉

Stay tuned!


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9 Comments on “Why did the Leghorn cross the road?

  1. Happy anniversary to you both and may you be blessed with many many more! Did you do anything special?

    My one leghorn, I threaten to kill on a daily basis! She is an egg pecker! Tries to eat what others lay, doesn’t lay much herself. I’m not in love with her lol

    Luckily my kids race out any time they hear the I laid and egg call, and rescue the fresh eggs, often pushing Daisy out of the nest just in time! We’re also lucky that most of the eggs have good hard shells, so she only manages a small hole in the air sack end. I’m glad you’re getting that one beautiful white egg from yours 🙂

    1. Thank you! We had a wonderful day! Took off work, got a hot tub and massages and ate some good food 🙂 we figured ten years is a good excuse to celebrate each other!

      Man, I’m sorry to hear about your leghorn! What a pain! Chickens are such funny creatures! We haven’t had any egg peckers, luckily, and I’m hopeful we can keep the couple of ladies without further issues but who knows?! It sure is nice to add the white to all our colorful eggs, though 😉

      1. Sounds like a wonderful celebration then! Well deserved pampering 🙂

        I love the chooks really, even Daisy. She’s this funny old crone, the oldest of all the chooks. Used to be the henchman for the boss chook, would walk about pecking everyone, the boss was as nice as pie! Then the boss died and Daisy is just this old lady that doesnt fit in as well any more. I love their ways of interacting and being a flock 🙂

  2. Happy anniversary! Leghorns aren’t the brightest but they do tend to be good layers — the hens, that is!

    1. Thank you!

      The sweet white eggs have been very nice (and consistent)! Pretty sure we won’t ever add more to our flock in the future, but we’ll at least keep the couple of hens 🙂

    1. Thank you, Jessie! <3

  3. Oh my goodness! Chicken stories are the best! We live in yhe middle of Alaska & have been keeping chickens for 2 years now… they sre an excellent source of entertainment!!

    1. They really are, aren’t they? I’m continuously amazed by their ridiculousness!

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