If we were having coffee...

If we were having coffee…

If we were having coffee, I would give you a great big hug and thank you kindly for making the long trek out to join me in the orchard for a hot cuppa!

We would start off our time together by sitting quietly for a few moments…

Sipping hot goodness in the fresh, cool morning air…

Listening to the acequia running, the ducklings chirping, and the goats bleating…

Watching the chickens and poultry hunting and pecking…

Nibbling on the freshest of sweet mulberries and sour cherries and crisp peas…

Allowing ourselves to really feel the weight of this moment in relation to all the rest…




So very important.

If we were having coffee, I would ask you how you’ve been, how you’ve really been, with all of the chaos surrounding us these days.

I would tell you that as a liberal, feminist, lesbian, I’m mad as hell and ready to wage battle in big expansive ways against all of the things that are wrong in this country…to fight all of the misogyny and racism, hatred and ignorance, phobias and assholery, half truths and blame games head on so we can leave this place in better shape for the generations to come.

And I would add that as an incredibly sensitive, empathic, introvert, I must remember to practice self care…to turn inwards and reflect on my own role in this highly complicated and vast puzzle…to meditate and pray…to focus on my close circle of friends and family…to work within my own community at a steady pace so I can be whole and healthy and affect change right here at home.

(Which still affects the future, you know?)

And so here I sit, bruised and battered, but not broken.

If we were having coffee, I’d ask if you were ready to move on to the garden?

Ready for some cathartic weed pulling, garlic scape cutting, and seed sowing?

Feet on the ground, hands in the dirt, real, tangible, work?

There will be bounty in it for you in the end, I promise.

plate of sour cherries

If we were having coffee, I would add that, as I more intentionally choose my words and actions and who I surround myself with these days, I also intend to be a bit quieter in some areas of my life and my online outlets for a bit.

Don’t worry, I am still here and I will still blog (it’s safe here in this space…and mostly safe here, too).

I am quieter, but I am not silenced.

(Though, sometimes, when it’s hard to find the right words,
it’s nice when someone else finds them for you.)

Be good, be kind, be you.

We are all in this together.

Know you are loved and appreciated.


Linking up with Part-Time Monster’s #weekendcoffeeshare

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14 Comments on “If we were having coffee…

  1. Melissa, I’m so sorry about the Orlando Massacre and what it means to you at a personal level. There are so many awful things going on in our world. Some can be attributed to terrorism but there’s a strong element of bigotry there which to me, underlies much of the violence. I can’t understand how some people look down and alienate others for whatever reason and like you, I’ve had enough too. Somehow we need to fight for love, compassion and equality. We can not let the baddies win! xx Rowena

    1. Much love to you, Rowena <3 We will *not let the baddies win! xoxo

  2. Really lovely post. I think it’s sometimes necessary to take time off from the blogosphere. This community is wonderful and I love it, but I find that I also need some time to think and process in between sharing my words with others.

    We live in a scary world and so much bad has happened in this past week. I’ve been so busy with my own life (I just moved across the country) that I haven’t been paying as much attention to these events as I feel I should be or processing them adequately, but it’s all so maddening. It doesn’t make sense. When will it all end? Will it end?

    I do hope you enjoy your gardening. I usually find that the little things in life bring the most joy and I think this is particularly true in this world we’re living in that is proving to be more and more full of uncertainty.

    1. Thank you, Britta, for your kind words and your honesty. I don’t believe there is *one way to process and grieve all of the horror that has been happening recently, so you’re doing it right for you in this moment of personal (and global) transition 🙂 I hope your move has gone as smoothly as possible and that you are settling in and enveloped in a nice, warm, welcome in your new community!

  3. There is so many reasons to be sad and angry these days. I join you in those emotions. I think a lot of people do but as usual, they are the quiet voices and so they aren’t heard. I don’t know if the quiet ones can raise their voices in a unified cry for action and justice and equality. I don’t know if we ever will. I have hope that we will. I have hope that good and right will overpower evil and unjust ways.

    Self-care is important. Be good to You. You need it. You deserve it.

    1. I think we’re reaching the tipping point, I think there are many, many people who are just plain tired and will rise up very soon. I just hope we can all rise up *together 🙂 Thank you for being a shining light, Corina!

  4. I haven’t visited with you in a while – it’s nice to see you at today’s coffee chat. Sometimes we just need to stop and take in our surroundings, listen to the water gurgle and the animals. Thanks for these relaxing few minutes.

    I’m a straight white male and a sensitive introvert, but I’m ready to join you in your battle. Perhaps in my own quiet way I can. And of course we ll have the ability to vote against hatred, blaming and ignorance this election cycle… I think there are more battling for good, but those for bigotry and hate just have louder voices.

    I hope your week on your farm goes well!

    1. Thank you, Trent 🙂 For the coffee, and for you solidarity. We’re all in this together and we need to start acting as such.

    1. I wholeheartedly agree <3

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