If we were having coffee...

If we were having coffee…

If we were having coffee, I would give you a big bear hug and thank you for making the trek all the way out to our home!

If you are a Mama, I’d wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day!  (Though if you’re not a Mama, it’s OK, there are plenty of Mamas to go around on this property 😉 )

I would offer you the warm beverage of your choice (tea? coffee? hot chocolate, even?) and walk with you past the hummingbirds, through the orchard, over the acequia, past the ducks and garden, and into the goat pen.

See, if we were having coffee on this chilly May morning, we would having it while on Goat Watch!

Today is day 146, Mother’s Day, and while we were sure (in our heads) that Mama Mello would deliver us her babies yesterday, she (and they) are just not quite ready to enter the world yet.  Though, we are thinking Mother’s Day couldn’t be a more perfect day to deliver 😉

If we were having coffee, I’d ask how your week was…what your plans are for the days ahead?

You might ask why I have been a bit MIA and I’d have to be honest and say that there has just been so much going on and so much in the air and I’d apologize because I’ve missed you and am just so grateful you’re here sharing space and time with me.

We’d talk about fruit trees and snakes, Nigerian Dwarf Goat births and all of the work that needs to be done in the garden.

We’d talk about work and family, dreams and frustrations, turkeys and ducklings.

We’d talk about my lovely daughters and I’d tell you that my oldest daughter, Caitlyn, just landed a paid Biology Internship through UNM and I couldn’t be more proud of her!

I’d tell you I’m going to get my hair cut this week and am looking for a big change (surely they’ll take 18 inches or so so it can be donated), though I’m not quite sure how that will manifest yet but am thinking maybe a long bob with bangs is in order.

A photo posted by Melissa (@evergrowingfarm) on

If we were having coffee, Lucy would no doubt be begging for attention, Ethel might be sulking in the barn, and Mama might be stomping her feet and acting agitated.  We’d talk about their personalities and laugh at their antics. We’d check Mama’s rear end for signs of movement and give her some good scratches on her belly and chin.  Then, we’d laugh at how crazy life is and you might ask if I ever thought I’d be keeping tabs on a goat vagina and the answer would be a definitive, “Hell no”.

And yet here we are and I couldn’t be happier.

If we were having coffee, it’d be time to get some muffins in the oven for my daughter and little brother who will be here shortly to help us celebrate Mothers’ Day ( 😉 ) in good spirit and hard garden work.

Surely you didn’t travel all this way to leave so soon! Here, let me pour you another cuppa!  Stay awhile, won’t you? You might just get to witness the miracle of life on this Mother’s Day!


If you really must go, no worries! Follow me on Periscope (@evergrowingfarm), because if all goes well, Mama’s delivery will be televised 😉 Of course, Instagram and Facebook are good ways to keep tabs on us, too!

Linking up to Part-Time Monster’s #weekendcoffeeshare

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10 Comments on “If we were having coffee…

  1. We do! It’s all very hopeful and exciting! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!

  2. Oh this post made me laugh! I’m so excited for you all and for sweet Muma Mellow. Come on lady! You’ve got a whole lot of folk all around the world holding the space for you ( I’m assuming one can hold the space for a birthing goat?! ).

    Happy Mother’s Day to you both of you human ladies too. Hope it was a lovely day 🙂

    1. Linda, I’m glad I made you laugh…with all this waiting, it’s really all we *can do 😉 And yes, you can absolutely hold space for a goat…thank you so much for doing so by my side 🙂 No babies yet, she holding them hostage…or maybe they’re holding her hostage! Ah well, they’ll be worth the wait! Hope you had a lovely weekend!

      1. Thankyou I did have a nice weekend. I was on a mini break…solo. So feeling refreshed and recharged!

        Tell Muma Mellow, I get her being over due…I went over with all three of mine, 10 days, 16 days and 17 days….gah! I’m not sure about goats, but I know in humans some just gestate longer. Saying that now is like a piece of cake…but at the time…wow, crazy! Maybe the new ducklings will encourage her to have her turn 🙂

  3. What a delightful peek into what’s happening in your world. I hope you had a fabulous Mother’s Day, and best wishes for Mama Mello.

    1. Thank you, Connie! They’re fun creatures, for sure 🙂

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