We’ve spent the month of April doing our best to pull everything together for the arrival of our very first kids (and births!) on the farm.
We’re nervous and excited, worried and trusting, exhausted and inspired.
We’ve watched Mama grow and grow and bag up and grow some more!
We’ve built a kidding area in the goat pen so Mama can labor and bond with her kids without being bothered by Lucy and Ethel.
We’ve pulled together a First Aid and Kidding kit, just in case Mama (or her kids) need assistance.
We’ve given Mama her CDT shot and trimmed her hooves.
We’re watching kidding videos and trying not to think about complications.
We’ve imagined what her kids might look like with such a gorgeous Daddy as their sire! (Thank you, Rachel!)
We’ve scratched and scratched Mama’s sides and talked to her about how she’s such a good Mama already and how everything is going to be just fine (you know, reassuring her and us all at the same time).
Now, we still need to purchase a debudding iron and are so not looking forward to that process…
and we still need to make a final decision about what we’ll do if we are gifted a buck (or more than one buck)…
Oh, but the fun of it all surely outweighs the uncertainty and worry of it all…especially when you’ve been given the gift of a baby goat kick right in the palm of your hand while rubbing Mama’s tired belly.
Yes, that happened, and it was pure magic!
Our little poll shows that 70% of you think Mama is going to have just two kids! I truly have no idea, but am leaning more towards three myself 😉 If you haven’t voted already, or want to change your answer, now’s the time to do it!
Wow, she is so big! Here’s hoping for a smooth delivery.
Thank you!!! Our fingers are crossed!!! 😊
How exciting!! We’ve had 3 kids so far this year. After doing this 11 years I can say it’s equally exciting each time. Prayers for an easy delivery and healthy kids!
Thank you so very much! I don’t anticipate that this will ever get boring 🙂