
A new hat for Sprout

With the weather warming and this toddler of our growing like a weed, a new hat was necessary to get us through the next couple of months. Simple as it is, I am very happy with how it turned out…and I think she is, too 🙂

Ember and Mr Embers new hat

Oh how I love a quick project!

The yarn used is: “I Love This Yarn!”, Color #/Name: 4002/Pasha, Lot # 73518 and I only had the one skein, which I’m quite sad about now as…isn’t it just lovely!?

Now, what has been on your hook or needles as of late?  Do tell!


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6 Comments on “A new hat for Sprout

    1. Thank you! She does make a nice muse, doesn’t she 🙂

      I did not make the dolls hat! It was made by a volunteer at the non-profit organization I work for. Super cute, too, right?!

  1. It’s a sweet hat for sure! Did you use a pattern or wing it? Ive made a few hats in the past for my kids, the best one was a giant slouch hat for my daughter! I’ve tried for my partner, but every hat is a flop! I did make her some fingerless gloves though which worked well!

    As for projects….I haven’t looked at anything since last winter! I know I have a granny square blanket almost ready to assemble….and who knows what else…I think a shawl, forever in the making, for the MIL. I’m not a fast crocheter!

    1. Thank you, Linda! I winged it, though I did start off too small and have to pull a few rows 😉 I *love granny square blankets but have never made one! Maybe that would be a good small project to work on daily (the squares) that could be all pulled together later! Hmmm…thanks for the inspiration! And what a lucky MIL you have! 🙂

    1. YouTube is *wonderful for short, beginner videos…when you’re ready, of course 😉

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