A Case of The Sundays

A Case of The Sundays

Akuna and Ember Black and White Easter Egger Dirt Bath-Easter Egger Ember and Akuna Ethel Horse Shoe Horse Maran Hen

Crisp blue skies, gorgeously warm temperatures, happy-in-their-dirt-baths chickens, curious goats nudging for scratches, a calm toddler, an agreeable pup (even on a leash held by the toddler), long walks and quiet moments letting the sun really soak in.

An absolutely divine end to the weekend.

Ans now I have a case of The Sundays.

(The Sundays…You know, that sadness that comes at the end of a marvelous weekend when you realize you have to get back to the grind tomorrow?)

So, can someone please tell me how I might make a quick turnaround to earning a living right here on the homestead?  Because I don’t ever want to have to work outside the home again.

Really and truly.


(Visited 149 times, 1 visits today)
Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Bill

    I know that feeling well. It is so difficult, and that is a shame.

    Wonderful pictures. What a beautiful giant your dog is.

    1. Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

      It *is such a shame. Ah well, we do what we can, right? And thank you for your kind words 🙂 Hope you’ve had a good week, Bill!

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