I’d like…

I’d like…

I’d like to write a bit about the bitter cold on my cheeks over the past few days and how it continuously reminds me that we’ve chosen this path of ours on purpose.

I’d like to write about my thanksgiving menu (turkey and pie and potatoes, oh my)  and link to all my favorite recipes so you can try them to.

I’d like to write about how my mind keeps turning to those turkeys currently resting in the coop and how I’m feeling a bit sad and sensitive and super introspective about their impending harvest this weekend and about how all of the emotions have surprised me.

I’d like to not be in bed at 9pm, sick again, waiting for the NyQuil to kick in so I might get a good nights sleep in preparation  for a super long, super busy day tomorrow.

I’d like to have the energy and brain power to pick a pretty picture for this post.

And so, here I am, filling this space with gibberish and telling you what I’d like to do in order to not lose the NaBloPoMo challenge I’ve set forth for myself.

Filler? Yes. But sick induced filler, so it’s ok 🙂



Edited to say: I couldn’t leave this post without a picture…it was driving me batty…so I went back in and added one the next day 🙂

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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm