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Farm Photo Friday – Five

Happy Friday (er…Saturday!) and Welcome to our Fifth edition of Farm Photo Friday!

Yes, I really am *so behind on everything that even my monthly post is a day behind!

Geez…maybe things will settle down a bit after the wedding?!


In the meantime…

July absolutely flew by bringing with it a few harvests, lots of growth in the garden, a few lost turkeys, felled trees stacked for winter warmth, and so much work I find myself not able to see straight half the time 😉  It’s a good thing I find moments here and there to capture some photos! Otherwise, I fear, life would truly become one big blur! Ha! I wonder if my fellow homestead photographers feel the same way?

Well, without further adieu, here are the photos submissions for this months gallery! To see a larger view of the gallery photos below, simply click on the photo and it will open in a larger view.   Also, don’t forget to follow the links below the gallery to our wonderful photographers to learn a bit more about them and see what they’re up to on a daily basis :-)

  1. Meredith @ ImaginAcres
  2. Teri @ Homestead Honey
  3. Kris @ Attainable Sustainable
  4. Chris @ Joybilee Farm
  5. Leona @ My Healthy Green Family
  6. Jess @ The 104 Homestead
  7. Janet @ Timber Creek Farm
  8. Tanya @ My Cozy Little Farmhouse
  9. Ever Growing Farm

Now, please share, which photo is your favorite?
Did any one in particular catch your eye or evoke a memory, feeling, or story?
Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Big thanks to all who participated this month!  I appreciate each of you greatly and truly love seeing whats happening on your farm each month!!!

Want to participate in the Next Farm Photo Friday?

A new post will go live once a month, on the first Friday of the month. This means that any picture of or on the farm that you’re especially proud of or excited about that was taken during the previous month is fair game!

Here’s how the guidelines break down:

  • Email me (evergrowingfarm (at) gmail (dot) com) the image you’d like included in the Farm Photo Friday gallery along with where you’d like me to link to (your blog, facebook page, website, Instagram account, etc.).
  • Please resize your photo so the largest side is no bigger than 700 pixels (my favorite free online photo editor is PicMonkey).
  • Please name your photo with either your name or your blogs name.
  • I will publish each monthly post on the first Friday of the month. Because we are getting married on Saturday, September 5th, for next month’s posting, please submit your single photo before midnight (MST) on the Monday before the first Friday (my guess is that week will be a very busy week for us here).
  • Please remember that a farm can be urban, suburban or rural and your photos can include anything (or anyone) farm related.
  • Once the post has gone live, I’d love it if you’d pop on over here to the blog and leave a comment explaining a bit about your photo and/or letting us all know which of the gallery photos is your favorite and why.
  • Once each monthly post is published, I will delete your photos from my computer as they belong to you, not me.
  • Any photos received after each month’s deadline will be added to the next month’s gallery.

Please send your contributions for our next gallery to (evergrowingfarm (at) gmail (dot) com) or look for my posting on Facebook and leave your pics in the comments there before midnight MST on Monday, July 31st  and I will publish gallery on Friday, September 4th :-)

I can’t wait to see all of your fantastic August farm photos!


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4 Comments on “Farm Photo Friday – Five

  1. Hi Melissa,

    Thank you for posting my photo! I had gotten up early that morning (trying to beat the heat), had taken the dogs out and was headed to the garden to see if I could scavenge anything after the marauding deer decimated it! On my way to the garden, the sun was peeking through the flowers. You could hear the hum of insects, birds chirping and the rat-tat-tap of woodpeckers. The dew glistened on the leaves, the sky was clear blue and there were rolling fluffy clouds. All of nature coming to life, moments I normally miss because I am already at work in an artificially lit cubicle, ha. The scene was so bucolic and I had to take a photo. It made me pause, say thanks and appreciate what I would normally take for granted. And btw–when I finally made it back to the garden there wasn’t a fruit or vegetable in sight!
    Tonya@MyCozyLittleFamhouse recently posted…Lightening and Brightening My Dining Room (In Progress)My Profile

    1. Tonya, what a beautiful picture you’ve just painted for us! You brought me along on your morning stroll with you…through the gorgeous light and quiet moments…right into the disappointment at the end! It’s such a roller coaster, isn’t it?! And all so very worth it in the end! 🙂

    2. Tonya, I’m thinking I’d like to add in this storytelling component to the gallery! What do you think? If photographers want to share the backstory to their pic, I could simply include it with the link back to each photographer. I think there’s magic there that readers would like to connect with, what do you think? Can I use your story and photo to help promote this new idea? Linking back to you, of course 🙂 Let me know your thoughts!

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