Long Days & Short Nights

Long Days & Short Nights

broody chicken

Caitlyn's 20th Birthday

colorful eggs

Garden Sprout

The days have been long and the nights short around here lately.  Not sure if it’s all the excitement around moving, the stress around each of our respective jobs or Spring Fever mocking us in all of it’s hot-one-day-frigid-the-next bi-polar-ness or a combination of it all, but man am I exhausted!  There is just so much to do and so little (perceived) time, it can all be a bit Crazy-Making.

However, last Sunday marked my daughters 20th birthday and today marks my little brother’s 27th birthday and birthdays are absolutely always cause for celebration!  So, just like last weekend, we will hit pause on the purging and cleaning and packing of it all to happily share a meal with Brother, Dad and Daughter.

Then, of course, we will run back home to help our Landlord show our current rental to prospective renters and maybe even pack a few more boxes 😉

It seems as though this is our pattern…so much activity, so very little rest, broken up by occasional self-care and fun times.

I honestly don’t see that stopping any time soon, but look forward to creating a very intentional shift in the activities as we get settled in our new place.

Building and maintaining a homestead is a lot of work and requires much energy, attention, planning and implementing…lots of activity(!) and there is so much excitement in each of those pieces of the puzzle!

However, I am also so very excited about the quiet, soul-fulfilling activities that will occupy much of our days…like walking the property that surrounds our new home and observing the subtle changes that happen from day to day, or like sitting in the orchard and watching the trees blossom…

How about sowing seeds and watching them sprout, or watching the sunsets each evening over the Jemez and then tracking the path of the moon?

Or setting up our home, putting everything in it’s place, and making it feel like a space we can call our own again (we never really settled in here)?

Yes, those are the kinds of activities I can look forward to.

And so, with birthday celebrations to celebrate, Daylight Savings upon us and Spring really and truly just around the bend, there is so much goodness all around us and in the works making the long days and short nights that much more bearable…and really, so full of so much goodness 🙂

Happy Sunday, Friends.


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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm