There’s Just Something About a Snow Day!

There’s Just Something About a Snow Day!

Snow Buddha

Snowy Egg

Snow Chicken

Snow Sprout

Snowy Mika

Snowy Trees - Blue Skies

Snow Frog

Snowy Fence

Snowy Sprout

As a kid, Snow Days were the best part of winter.  The level of excitement brought on by the cancellation of school was almost uncontrollable.  There was a Snow Man to build, sledding to be done and hot chocolate to drink after you’d played so hard your fingers were almost too frozen to even hold onto the mug of chocolatey, creamy, amazingness…your cold, pink nose sniffing the wonderful aromas with each sip!

It was a though Mother Nature threw a little bit of magic in the middle of a long school year for us kiddos to enjoy.

Little did I know then how much the adults must have enjoyed the few and far between Snow Days as well!  Granted, missed work means make-up work on another day, but as an adult, playing in the snow and drinking hot chocolate (or tea or coffee or some other adult beverage) in the middle of the day in the middle of the week really is quite magical, isn’t it?

So here I sit, enjoying a snack and a cup of tea, waiting for Sprout to wake up from her nap so we can eat some lunch and get back outside to enjoy as much of the beautiful snow as we can before it all melts away.

Magic, indeed.


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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm