DIY Gift Series - Extracts, Tinctures & Infusions

DIY Gift Series – An Introduction

In my twenties, as a working, single mom who was also attending college full time, I was incredibly organized because I had to be.

I was working in a restaurant six days a week, which kept a roof over our heads and food on the table, but I wasn’t emotionally invested in what I was doing, so work stayed at work when I left the building.  This was a blessing in that it allowed me the space and time to be fully present with my daughter and our home.

Everything in our tiny home had it’s place, every appointment and get together had a spot on the calendar.  I made a sack lunch for my daughter every day and even had time to draw a picture on the bag for her

Additionally, I was so organized that all of my Holiday shopping was complete before Thanksgiving.

(((No, I’m not kidding.)))

As I got older, so did my daughter.  She was able to help take care of herself and I was able to let go and relax a bit.  It was about the same time that I got a new job that required more brain power as well as an intense emotional investment.

Then, a new relationship came along.

Then, a promotion at work and a new home and new responsibilities, focuses and distractions.

Then, there were the chickens and bees and veggies and trees.  The seed starting and soap making, the beer brewing and planning for our next child.

Then, there came the completion of my BA, the graduation of my daughter, and the birth of Sprout.

Then, the loss of my job.

Needless to say, many of my old habits and patterns established 10 and 15 years ago have fallen away, making room for new habits and patterns.  It’s what life is all about, isn’t it?  Growth, change, out with the old and in with the new!  If we stay stagnant, we might as well be dead, so change is a good thing!

However, of all the patterns and habits that have formed and fallen away over the past couple of decades, there is one old pattern I would like to re-establish…

I have this crazy goal of getting all of our gift making and shopping completely done before Thanksgiving!

Additionally, I really want to make the majority of the holiday gifts we give!  For the fun of it, for the economics of it, for the memory of it!

Why do I want to do all of this now?  With a newly crawling ball of energy at my feet and a new business forming in my head and on my computer as I attempt to adapt to my new life as a work-at-home mom?

Well, because I have this crazy idea that actually enjoying the Holiday Season might be a nice change.  You know, instead of running around with everyone else, spending copious amounts of money and time and stressing out about every little thing like I’ve done for the past several years?

Yeah, that.

So, if I’m going to get this handmade thing done, I’ve decided I’m going to have to start immediately and work steadily.

And so it is!

So, for the next 16 weeks, I have promised myself that I will work on at least one project per week.  This will give me a minimum of 16 different gifts to give out to all of the lovely friends and family we have, because…well…not everyone wants homemade lip balm and not everyone can be legally (or morally) given some deliciously infused liquor 😉  So, if I can produce lots of options, the mixing and matching of gifts should be both fun and appropriate!

While I’m at it, I figured blogging about each project might be fun, too!  So, each week for the next 16 weeks, look for a new DIY tutorial, idea or inspiration!  By the end of the 16 weeks, I should have a ton of gifts to give and you should have some inspiration.  Win, win, right?

Oohhh…this should be fun!

Now, what do you think?  Am I crazy?  Are you planning your holidays yet?  And please, do tell, what’s your favorite handmade item / DIY gift to give or receive?

Wish me luck!


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7 Comments on “DIY Gift Series – An Introduction

  1. I look forward to your ideas, because I try to give as many heartfelt, homemade gifts as I possibly can!
    Andrea recently posted…This MomentMy Profile

  2. I don’t really give gifts anymore during the holidays to my extended family and friends. I do to my kids, but not even my husband. We decided not to do it anymore. But I still like giving gifts during the season. So I make gift baskets for the neighbors every year. I do think about them during the summer as they are all homemade things. Some from the garden (last year was jam, plum syrup, and mustard). Some baked goods (like homemade granola, cookies, and fudge). I’ve never made any beauty products though like lip balm or soap. Everything I make is edible.
    Daphne recently posted…FreedMy Profile

  3. Looking forward to it! I have some unplanned time off right now, so getting prepared with home made gifts is a great idea!

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