Local Bite

Local Bite Food Independence Potluck

Alright friends, whether you’ve been participating in our big
Local Bite Challenge or not, now’s the time to get excited!


Because you are formally invited to host or attend your very own
Food Independence Potluck!

 That’s right, we are planning a Potluck for everyone all around the world!

(That’s a lot of food, right?)

The Browning Homstead at Red Fox Farm (cropped)

learning and yearning 3 (cropped)

cluck & hoe (cropped)

learning and yearning 2 (cropped)

green eggs and goats (cropped)

Learning and yearning (cropped)

Could you just, for one moment, imagine a world wide potluck?!  

It’d be pretty cool, right?

OK, OK…So while it’s not quite as dramatic as it may seem, it is super exciting, and it will, hopefully, involve all of you!

Here’s the deal:

I am challenging everyone who would like to participate in our Local Bite Independence Day Potluck, to do one of two things:

  1. Host your very own Food Independence Potluck where you will ask your guests to bring potluck items made with as many locally sourced ingredients as possible…or
  2. While attending a potluck or BBQ or over the weekend of July 4th, ensure that your Potluck item is made with as many locally sourced ingredients as possible!

That’s it!  

Local food, friends, family & fun!  

Community and from-scratch goodness!  

It doesn’t get much better than that, now does it?

Are you in? Are you thinking about all the burgers and salads and homebrew and grilled veggies and deviled eggs and strawberries & cream?  Mmmmm…

Think you can either commit to hosting your very own Food Independence Potluck or BBQ or commit to bringing a locally sourced dish to another potluck or BBQ? (BTW – you don’t have to call it a Food Independence Potluck, by the way, that’s just the name I came up with)

If so, please let me know all about it in the comments below!  Will you host?  Will you bring a dish to another event? What dish(es) will you provide?

You can also RSVP to the official Local Bite Food Independence Potluck event on Facebook 🙂

If you’re looking for some inspiration, these two books have been living on my bedside for a couple of weeks now giving me lots of ideas!  Such gorgeous pictures, delicious recipes and feel good community in these beauties:

Suzie Middleton – Fresh from the Farm


Ashley English – Homemade Gatherings


Of course, there’s also the Local Bite Pinterest Board with loads of recipes and ideas there, too 🙂  And, because I like to plan things out, this post today officially gives you four weeks to think about it and plan it all out for yourselves!

Last but not least, here’s a little on my thinking because I know that not all of my readers live in the U.S….I decided on the date of July 4th, because it is our U.S. Independence Day, but I firmly believe that, no matter where you are on the planet, every day is a good day to make ourselves more food independent by voting with our dollars in every way possible!  Supporting our local farmers is one of the best ways to do this, no matter where we are on the planet 🙂

I so hope you all will join up in celebration of local food, friends, family and community!  I look forward to hearing about all of your plans and making some of our own!!


P.S. Big thanks to my friends at Learning & Yearning, Cluck & Hoe, Green Eggs & Goats and The Browning Homestead for allowing me to use their lovely food photos in this post 🙂

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