Local Bite – Week Three Reflection

Local Bite – Week Three Reflection


Bunching Onions

Sage-Smudge Sticks

Whew!  Well, I can safely say that Week Three of our Local Bite Challenge definitely went better than Week Two did!

Maybe it was a shift in my perspective.

Maybe the Universe was trying to give me a break.

Whatever it is, I’ll take it!

One simple thing we have learned is just to purchase more meats and cheeses.  Higher calorie and protein packed items that help us feel fuller and round out all of the greens we’ve been eating.  So, last weekend, instead of starting with the veggies and then using whatever money was leftover for meats, we did the opposite.  We started with the main courses and then figured out our sides.  Work smarter, not harder, right?  Sometimes our silliness amazes me 😉

This simple process also allowed us to wrap our heads around different possibilities for meals.  Yes, we had a basic outline of a Meal Plan before we went to the Farmer’s Market, but we also didn’t know exactly what might available at the market, so we remained flexible going in.  This allowed for some delicious meals to be created throughout the week!  Luckily Kim is good on her toes like that!

One thing we’re still working on: Lunch! Because Kim has so many lunch meetings and I’ve been working half days, coming home right around lunch time, we haven’t mastered planning lunch into our meal plans.  At least not well.  What this means is that I usually come home starving and throw some eggs in a pan.  Good, but not ideal…and one can only eat so many eggs!  So, my goal this week is to do better at planning and executing our/my lunches by planning ahead as much as possible.

Now it’s your turn!  How is the challenge going for you?  Thoughts?  Learnings?  Straight up challenges?  Please share your experiences in the comments below or in our Local Bite Facebook Page so we can learn from each other 🙂


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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm