outdoor chick brroder and compost-before clean up
Everything Else


2014 pullets in outdoor brooder


Apple blossom


Chinook Hops

I’m writing you today from the semi-comfort of a hotel room instead of at my own desk in my home. See, we are out of town for a week visiting Washington DC for a conference my Partner is attending. Sprout and I are along for the ride, which is strange and new and different and wonderful all at the same time.

I’ve never just “gone along for the ride” before, so I’m doing my best to look at this trip as a bit of a vacation to hold the transition space between many of the aspects of my life that are in the process of shifting right now.

The transition from my “employee” self to my “self-employed” self…

The transition between eating out and being in a pattern of unintentional eating with our huge Local Bite Challenge which begins a week from today and will thrust us into a whole new way of looking at every single bite of food we put in our mouths…

The transition that happens within while I re-find who I am and what I stand for in the midst of everything and everyone else…as a mother (again), a partner and a full grown woman who’s starting a new career…

The transition between the cold, long, dry winter and a (hopefully) wetter, more fruitful spring.

Before we left, we spent some time in the yard cleaning up and repairing our outdoor brooder so we could move the chicks-turned-pullets outside and into the fresh air. The brooder was a mess of needles and leaves, with torn mesh on all of its sides, multiple pots blocking it’s side and compost trying to creep over into it.

It was one of those chores we’d been dreading and putting off.

It was one of those chores that didn’t really take as long as we thought would once we got out to tackle it.

Isn’t that usually the way? We build things up in our heads and turn them into much more than they need to be when really, if we just dig in and get it done, it’s so much easier and takes up so much less time and mental space!

So, as I continue on this transitional path, without a full, clear picture yet of where this path is leading me (or where I’m leading myself), I will allow myself some actual room to grow and shift and allow and adapt and trust

I will sit in the snow/sun shower with my girl and enjoy it…

I will wander the garden and count the sprouts…

I will laugh at the pullets and their silly antics…

And I will allow myself to embrace the Spring that is upon us, because it really is *so full of hope.

Snow showers and all.


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3 Comments on “Transitions

  1. So many changes going on this time of year, but it sounds like you have many more transitions than the average spring brings! Hope you get comfortable in your new roles and transitions, and have a wonderful spring 🙂
    Caitlin | The Siren’s Tale recently posted…Learning to Grow Your Own.My Profile

    1. Thank you, Caitlin! Glad to have you here 🙂 Happy Spring!

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