
2014’s First Harvest ::: Rhubarb






Yesterday afternoon, as a storm rolled in, I attempted to get the last of our transplants into the garden thinking that the rain and forecasted cooler temps over the next couple of days would do them wonders!

Apparently, I mis-judged how quickly the storm would come in because I only got so far as to get the Asparagus and the Cota into the ground before the storm let loose and it started dumping, then hailing, then dumping again for hours!

The most exciting part of the whole afternoon (aside from the moisture, of course), was that it gifted us our very first harvest of the year: Rhubarb!

In years past we’ve over-wintered some greens and would have been happily eating those by now. However, last fall was very busy for us with the arrival of Sprout and some work challenges so there are, unfortunately, no greens from which to pull this Spring.

Which brings us back to the rhubarb!  All three stalks and 8 ounces of beautiful, tart, deliciousness!  Now, to just figure out what to make with it…


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5 Comments on “2014’s First Harvest ::: Rhubarb

  1. I adore the contrast between the busy street on the other side of your fence and the peaceful feeling inside your fence… I always get a smile.

    Your rhubarb looks wonderful. We are planning on putting rhubarb in our flower beds next year. can’t do it all at once! 🙂

    Have a great week!
    Yanic A. recently posted…Morning, Noon and NightMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much! We have worked very hard to create an abundant, calm, living space inside our yard 🙂 So glad to hear that recognized

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