2014 Food Growing Summit

2014 Food Growing Summit

I am absolutely determined to make 2014 our best growing season yet!

I have talked about seed ordering and starting and long range forecasts and many of my hopes and plans and dreams for our tiny space this season…but there is a part of me that is terrified about what might actually happen!

The frosts could hit late and kill every last fruit blossom.

The drought could persist and our water bill could skyrocket.

We could get torrential downpours and horrible hails that could tear every leaf and fruit from every last one of my carefully tended plants.

The pests could be unbearable!

Yes, the mind can run wild, can’t it?

The truth is, there is only so much we have control over.

I cannot control the weather, but I can control when I start my seeds and how I protect my seedlings once transplanted out into the garden.

Likewise, I cannot control the pests that find our tiny oasis because it houses the only green visible to their even tinier eyes, but I can plant some companion plants to hopefully ward them off and protect my fruits and veggies with netting and such and then hand pick off the ones that make it through or decide to surrender one plant for the benefit of another.

We only have control over so much.

And this whole growing-your-own-food thing? It can be rough, but it is also be full of so many lessons and gifts and hard won deliciousness-es and did I mention lessons?

Right. Well, there are enough lessons to say it twice, so I’ll leave it!

I’ve only been at this whole food growing thing for a handful of years now, but I feel like I could spend my whole life learning about as many food growing details as possible and still not ever be complete in the growing-your-own-food knowledge department.

However, with some of my own hard won knowledge and the help of some experts, I have definite hope that 2014 will be our best growing season yet! And if it isn’t, at least I will know that I did my absolute best.

That’s really all I have control over, right?

Wanna join me for the 2014 Food Growing Summit? Wanna hear from Rock Stars like Joel Salatin, Vandana Shiva, Paul Stamets, Will Allen and Ocean Robbins for FREE March 3rd – 7th? Yeah…I thought so! Just click HERE.

Here’s to our best growing season yet!  Cheers!


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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


  1. Dawn

    I feel the same anxiety about this season. We’re expanding the garden and I keep thinking, “What if the bugs take it all again?” Would all the hard work be for nothing? I feel ya, girl… Planting time is right around the corner here in Inland So. Cal, so if I’m going to take the leap (and I am), I’d better get ready!!!
    Dawn recently posted…Grave Digging in the BurbsMy Profile

  2. Andrea

    I agree with you…I feel like I could learn new details about food growing for every remaining season I have on earth! I’m up for the challenge. Can’t wait to hear what the speakers in the food summit have to say. 🙂
    Andrea recently posted…Our Top 5 Pancakes- And a BonusMy Profile

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