
Planting Time?

I’ve spent several hours in the garden over the past few days pushing seeds into soil and hoping against hope that we are done with our hard freezes.  It seems that I was in the same mental place a year ago and everything did great, but last years weather was incredibly different than what we’re seeing this year.

The Farmers Almanac states that this year, here in Santa Fe, we will experience a long cool spring and a long cool fall which means we should have a short summer.  So, while I’m trying to be realistic about the potential outcomes based on the folks at the Farmer’s Almanac guess-timation (er…tried and true experience and knowledge), I find myself wishing for all of the bounty we saw last year.

Such is life, though, right?  There is a season for everything.  And though this season may not give me what I hope and dream and fantasize for in the way of edible bounties, I trust that it will give us exactly what we need (including tomatoes).


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6 Comments on “Planting Time?

    1. Oh! I do hope you have! We are learning so much about what to grow and what to preserve in relation to what we actually eat! I plan to make better preserving choices this season 😉

  1. I’m worried about my garden this year. I planted much later than usual and it’s still quite cool. Last year I didn’t do a garden, so I would be terribly disappointed if this year’s didn’t turn out.

    I guess we’ll see.

    Wishing you a lovely day.

    1. I don’t doubt that your garden will be beautiful! It may not be as bountiful as your wildest dreams, but it will be perfect as it is. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself 😉

  2. I’m going to plant my tomatoes after 15th May. Your small green tomato looks very promising 🙂

    1. Yeah…I’m definitely not yet ready to officially transplant some of the tomatoes and peppers I started under the grow lights…I’ll wait for a guarantee that there won’t be another frost 😉

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