Goat Antics
  • April 18, 2013
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  • Goats
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Goat Antics

With the exception of a few times after Baby got hurt, milking and feeding the goats over the past several months has been a breeze. Baby cooperates, her sister, mom and kid cooperate and everything goes rather smoothly.

When we got to the goats yesterday, however, the were riled up!  All four were pushing each other around and talking to each other and to us, bouncing off each other, and running around. Maybe it was the cold snap that brought in some nasty wind, rain and snow.  Maybe they were just happy to see us.  Whatever it was, the next 15 minutes became quite comical…in hindsight.

There was an ornery lady who didn’t want to get up on her milking stand, an attempted break out by the other three, an actual breakout by the littlest (and most ornery) one of them all (she’s quite the pusher), a watering hose that wouldn’t work on the first two tries and a Grandma who got tangled in the watering hose which then tore from my hands and proceeded to spray everywhere.  All in a freezing rain/snow mix.  It was awesome and made for a good laugh after they were all safe and fed and my hands thawed out.

Hope you’re staying warm and safe out there…and laughing a bit at the antics of animals, even if it is at your own expense 😉


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Written by Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm


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