DIY - Goats

Goats Milk Soap – Beginnings







I mentioned in December that we’ve been freezing our leftover goats milk every few days in preparation for eventually making our first few batches of Goat’s Milk Soap.  Well, the day finally arrived and we jumped into making soap for the very first time!  As with anything new, there was definitely a little learning curve, but all in all, it was a great experience!Tool Lady built our mold using the El Cock wood we found during our kitchen counter re-do in early 2012, and, using the Summer Bee Calculator for all of our measurements and the directions from Eden Hills, we made 9 pounds of soap which is now curing in our garage.

We didn’t use a specific recipe for this batch, though we wrote everything down to keep track (lots of oils, lye, goats milk, oatmeal and a bit of honey) thinking that we can tweak the recipe as we continue to make batches until we are happy with what we create, then we’ll stick with that.

Right now, though, I am just super excited about our new adventure in soap making!

Do you have a favorite soap?  A favorite scent?  A tried and true recipe you’re willing to share?  Oh, I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories!



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8 Comments on “Goats Milk Soap – Beginnings

  1. Bee Girl, what a star.. this soap looks so good!! Thank you for sharing and delighted you popped by Seasonal Celebration Wednesday.Hope to welcome you back tomorrow! Rebecca @ Natural Mothers Network x

  2. I’ve been thinking about soap making, but haven’t tried it yet. Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop!!!

  3. Neat! We picked up some wonderful goats milk soap when we were visiting Prince Edward Island. The kids loved the peppermint. Hope yours turns out great.

    1. So far, so good! We haven’t tested any bars yet but we moved some around and got a bit of soap on our hands and it lathered up while we were washing it off 🙂 I’ll do a test and post about it!

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