Goat Cheese DIY
DIY - Eat - Goats

How to Make Basic Goat Cheese




Goat Cheese is one of those things that I never gave much thought to until we started our goat share last year. Then, with an abundance of milk on hand, there was only so much of it we could drink straight, so much of it went into the freezer to make soap with and the rest was often made into cheese! Now, I realize that this post is a little delayed since we no longer help with those lovely goats, but after a request, I decided it was time to finally write down how to make goat cheese!


  • 1 quart of Goat milk (fresh/not pasteurized is best)
  • 1/3 cup of Vinegar
  • Salt (to taste)



  • Place your milk in a non-reactive pot and heat to 180 degrees. Your milk will be nearing a simmer with little bubbles forming on it’s top. once you have those bubbles, turn it off.
  • Gently pour in your vinegar and stir and let your mixture sit undisturbed for 10 minutes.
  • While you’re waiting, line your strainer with two layers of cheesecloth and place over your large bowl.
  • Once ready, carefully pour your mixture through your cheesecloth.
  • Next, gather your cheese cloth around your mixture to create a bundle and tie that bundle up using the corners of the cheese cloth.
  • Hang your bundle up somewhere out of the way and allow it to drain into your large bowl for 1-1 1/2 hours. I like to tie my bundle to a cabinet handle and allow it to drain into a bowl on the counter.
  • Once drained, untie your bundle and scrape your cheese out of the cloth and into the container of your choice.
  • Season your cheese to taste with salt or other herbs.
  • Put your cheese in the container of your choice and place in the refrigerator where it will keep for ~one week.

Want to get fancy with your cheese? Check out my Two Tips for Making Perfect Goat Cheese or this delicious hummus. Hint: They both involve lime juice and taste like magic!


Linking up to , Homestead Barn Hop #138From the Farm and Homemade Mondays #58


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10 Comments on “How to Make Basic Goat Cheese

  1. I found your site through the Frugally Sustainable hop! This cheese looks great! Thanks for sharing your recipe and tips with me! 🙂

  2. Thanks for the recipe. I was the one who asked for it. I have made cheese before but I did not know what cheese was called “goat cheese.”

  3. What perfect timing! My daughter has been asking to learn to make cheeses of all kinds and I am ready to get that project going with her. We will certainly try making goat cheese, and thank you kindly for this post 🙂
    Good thoughts, Karen

    1. I believe ceramics are considered non-reactive as well.

  4. If you use raw goat’s milk, it should keep for a long time, don’t you think?

    1. You would think so but it goes moldy faster than you might expect. The good thing is, it goes from good to bad pretty quick so there’s not much to wonder about 😉

  5. Yum! I have done ricotta and mozzarella from goat milk but never a basic chevre. Can’t wait to try your method!

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