
Good News/Bad News

The good news is, we have cherries that are ripening up!

The bad news is, we have a million aphids on our cherry tree!

The good news is, we also have some Ladybugs on our cherry tree!

Let’s hope they’re hungrier and faster than the aphids…

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13 Comments on “Good News/Bad News

  1. Yuck, I’ve heard soapy water kills aphids. I’m not sure what it would do to to ladybugs though.

    1. Hmmm…I’ll look into it! We’ve been wiping them off by hand with water from the hose! Such a pain!

  2. Oh, and would love to be able to grow cherries here! Aren’t there any varieties that like “endless summer” weather 😉

    1. Ohhh…thanks for the nasturtium trick! I just bought some new nasturtium seeds, too! Perfect timing 🙂

      I wish you could grow some cherries, too…but your bananas would make me happy right about now 😉

  3. Those nasty little black aphids apparently love nasturtiums, which I like to plant because they’re beautiful and add a lovely decorative touch to salads. Around this time of year, the aphids swarm the nasturtiums and mow them down instead of the other plants, and the ladybugs set up a nursery in the nasturtiums (last year it was the asparagus), so I guess my point is that at least in our case, nasturiums make a good “trap crop” for the black aphids 🙂

  4. Good luck with those aphids. Hopefully, the lady bugs will do their jobs. I can’t believe you have cherries. We won’t get cherries until August. You are so lucky!

    1. Yeah…we’re anxiously awaiting the first cherry to ripen up! There are not a ton on the tree, but I am hopeful they will be delicious 😉

  5. Cherries? Wow! Awesome. We could never have cherries down this way (though I am trying to grow something that’s SIMILAR to a cherry but it’s still NOT a cherry, ha). Hmm, do any of your nurseries sell ladybugs? If you could get a bag of them you could set them loose in the tree and maybe they could win the war! 🙂

    1. I’ve been thinking about buying a package or two of ladybugs…that might have to go on the list for next weekend if we don’t see the aphid population dwindling and the ladybug population exploding 🙂

  6. We had a really bad infestation on our peach and plum trees. We only saw a few ladybugs and then BAM! everything bad disappeared. In no time there were ladybug larva/alligators. The fruit was not touched, just the leaves…and finally both trees are in full recovery. They do a great job.

    Your cherries look awesome! Yum. 🙂

    1. Oh man…I am very hopeful that our little ladybugs will quickly reproduce 🙂 Thanks for the hopeful insight!

  7. GO ladybirds~! Those black aphids are just so hard to get rid of – I get them on my alliums – they seem to particularly like garlic chives. The cherries look great though.

    1. Ugh…they’re awful! At least we can see which leaves they’re on since they curl up so badly…

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