
7 articles


We had our first real strawberry harvest late last week! After a very long day at work, when I was ready to, literally, get in bed by 7:00, Kim found them and called me outside.  Is there a better way to cap off such a day than with 10 ounces of juicy, ripe, gorgeously red strawberries?  It's amazing how wonderful a…
Spring Freeze

Spring Freeze

Our cherry tree.  I do believe our last round of freezingtemps killed all of this wonderful potential.Echinacea & strawberriesBecause of our fluctuating temps this spring, I do believe we have lost most (if not all) of the fruit on our fruit trees this year.  I may be jumping the gun a bit, but it doesn't look incredibly hopeful. Our cherries…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Well, the past week has been full of tomatoes! 18 to be exact!  17 of those were Yellow Taxis and 1 was a Cherokee itty bitty Cherokee Purple.  While it was quite a pain to carry all those tomato starts in and out of the house for a couple of weeks in April and May, getting a…
Cherry Carnage & Strawberry Protection

Cherry Carnage & Strawberry Protection

Whelp...after all the excitement and promise of cherries last week, it looks like I was worried about the wrong pest.  This is what has happened over the past few days...Do you see the two almost ripe cherries?Now, do you see the devoured cherry above them?Yep...all our beautiful, ripe cherries have been devoured, making a few nice meals for the local…
Good News/Bad News

Good News/Bad News

The good news is, we have cherries that are ripening up!The bad news is, we have a million aphids on our cherry tree!The good news is, we also have some Ladybugs on our cherry tree!Let's hope they're hungrier and faster than the aphids...
Itty Bitty Fruit

Itty Bitty Fruit

Well, it looks like we just might have made it through this last little cold snap OK.  Everything that's in the garden so far seems unharmed by the freezing temps we had the last few nights and for at least the next week our lowest low is supposed to be 38 degrees.  SWEET!  My main concern was the fruit trees…
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