
Spring Blossoms

If our fruit trees don’t suffer a hard freeze for the next month and a half, this just might be our first year of real  fruit harvests (you know, real as in more than 8 or 10 apples)!  Oh, my fingers are crossed and I am so hopeful, but with the warm winter we’ve had everything is blooming way too early!  I guess all we can do is hope, at this point, ha?

In the meantime, they sure are beautiful…

Apple blossoms

Pear blossoms

Cherry blossoms

Apricot blossoms


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13 Comments on “Spring Blossoms

  1. Where are your beautiful bee? Shouldn’t they be in the pictures too? ;~ )

    We have our homemade Warre’ hive set up and are awaiting the delivery of our “package”! Can’t tell you how excited we are!!!

    1. Ha! The bees are still figuring out their new digs…I hope they find their way to the front yard, though!

      I’m excited to see your bees when they arrive! So awesome!!!

  2. Eek! Worried about my early apricot blooms here, too! Especially now that we’re getting a few inches of snow today – grrrrr. I wonder if fruit trees adjust over time to individual climates or if they are always tempted by a too-early spring?

    1. I don’t think they adjust, but I guess it’s possible! I have a friend who has an apricot tree that blossoms early every year and they never get fruit off of it…silly tree!

      How’re your blossoms now? I don’t think it ever got cold enough here to cause damage…at least not this time…we still have a long way to go before we’re safe though!

  3. Cherries in your own yard! I love cherries. That must be nice.

    1. We’ve yet to harvest any as the tree is still young. This year still looks hopeful though…finger crossed!!!

  4. Our granny smith apple blossoms look like yours. We have an Anna Apple tree that shows off fluorescent pink first and then white flowers.

    I love seeing all the blossoms. Did it snow up there by you? It did snow a little here, but as far as we can tell, it didn’t go down to freezing so hopefully we’ll get fruit this year.

    1. We hovered around 30-32 degrees last night with snow off and on Monday and Tuesday. not sure it got cold enough to do any damage, but it sure made me nervous. Everything still looks pretty good 🙂

      Those florescent blossoms sound amazing! Have I missed pics of them???

    2. They were fluorescent before blooming. It was the buds that looked like they lived near a nuclear power plant. LOL

      We’ve gotten a few cold nights and days but everything seems to be doing well so far.

  5. I’d love to harvest even 8 – 10 apples – I love apples, I will of course have to plant some trees first – but I do plan to do just that this winter.

    1. Oh yes! Fruit trees are the best…when they produce! They still look OK…I just hope we can get through May that way 😉

  6. Isn’t the pink stage gorgeous!

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