
Garden Happiness(es)

Here’s a glimpse into what’s happening in the garden this week…

The German Butterball potatoes are flowering!
The red potatoes are flowering, too! 
Our first pie pumpkin is almost ready!
Acorn Squash
Cherry toms
Blue corn & sunflowers
Our blue corn is silking…although some of it is white…
…and some of it is this pretty maroon…interesting!
The second summer squash!  They’ve been few and far between this year!  Weird!
Mystery (transplanted) tomato.  I really should have labelled this guy!  He’s HUGE!
We’ve got an escapee on our hands!  This pole bean broke through the fence and is dancing with the Russian Sage on the other side!
The butternut squash are sizing up nicely!
Pole beans
The first Morning Glory!!!
Honey boat squash
Tomato (Italian Heirloom), carrots and sage…a potted experiment!
The (cover crop of) bush beans are coming along beautifully!
The buck wheat (another cover crop) is looking good, too!  Almost time to pull it out and do some fall planting!
What’s happening in your garden this week???
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2 Comments on “Garden Happiness(es)

  1. Beautiful! Do you do anything with the Buckewheat cover crop? I am trying to learn more about cover cropping 🙂

  2. Since this is one of our raised beds that we’ll use for fall and winter crops I think I’ll just give it to the chickens when I’m ready to plant (soon). I do plan on throwing some buck wheat into our other beds this fall, too, though. I’ll probably let that grow until it’s covered by snow, then just work it into the soil next spring before planting again. That’s the plan, but this is our first year trying this, so we’re learning as we go 🙂

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