Think Global, Choose Local

Looking to lower your impact on the environment but feeling overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of it all?

I hear, see, and feel you.

Truth be told, science has shown us that we’ve made an awful mess of things pretty quickly and that we have a limited amount of time to do our best to slow it all down and give the next seven generations a fighting chance on this glorious planet of ours.

But how does one truly make a difference in the grand scheme of things?

I believe we can each make an impact by making small changes to our daily habits.

One step at a time.

It starts with an attainable goal turned into action.

  • Buy a stainless steel water bottle and use it every day
  • Say no to every straw you’re asked about
  • Turn off the water when you brush your teeth
  • Carpool, take public transportation, bike, or walk whenever, wherever you can

Then, if you have a bit of extra time and passion, take it all a step further.

I believe that if we set our focus on a simple mantra, we can affect immense change that has a profound ripple effect.

Think Global, Choose Local.

Buy Local

By doing any of your grocery shopping at your local Farmers’ Market, Co-Op, road-side stand, or via CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), you’ll be adding nutrient dense, super fresh foods into your diet. Foods that haven’t traveled thousands of miles to get from the field to your fork.

Bonus? You’ll have the opportunity to get to know the people who are doing the deep heart work it takes to ensure we all have food on our tables to feed to ourselves and our families.

Click here to get started today with these 14 ways to incorporate more locally grown &produced items into your diet, action plan, and habit shift.

Engage with the Youth in your Community

When we look at the mess we’ve created in a short period of time and the deadline set forth by the experts to limit our temperature increases, it is the next generation who will truly be living with the effects of today’s choices.

Our youth deserve better, as do their children and grandchildren. Truth be told, they are livid about what’s been done to the planet and they are willing and ready to act, whether with us or on their own.

This is a good time to stand shoulder to shoulder with our communities on the right side of history.

If you don’t have kids of your own (or kiddo family members), consider volunteering with a youth-serving organization or at a school garden in your community.

If you have kids, or know kids, get outside with them. Explore, ask questions, see the world through their eyes.

Click here to get started today with these 52 super simple, hands-on activities that can be done with youth of any age. 

Grow a Garden

Whether you have a window and a spot of sunshine streaming through it, a porch or balcony, access to a community garden, or a little piece of soil to call your own you can grow at least a tiny bit of what goes on your plate!

Whether it’s a few herbs on your windowsill, a bed of veggies, or a full backyard garden teeming with a variety of produce, every seed you push into soil counts!  Not only will you be adding quality ingredients to the meals you make at home, but you’ll also be fostering a connection with Nature that you can’t get anywhere else all while treading a bit lighter on this lovely planet of ours.

Click here to get started today with my top tips for all things veggie gardening related.

The truth is, it doesn’t matter so much where you start in making an impact, it just matters that you start.

I hope that you find hope and inspiration in the pages of this site, in your community, and in your divine passion for this amazing planet of ours.

May the wind be always at your back and the sunshine always warming your face.



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