urban farming/homesteading

304 articles
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Something very exciting happened this week!  We harvested our first three tomatoes!!!  Yep, you read that right...two Yellow Taxi Tomatoes and one cherry tomato!  Oh man!  I guess that starting those seeds under the grow lights in February really paid off :-)We also harvested our first dill, the last of the over-wintered carrots, and some more kale, peas,…
Drip Irrigation

Drip Irrigation

After much procrastination, we have finally purchased all of the necessary items and tools to install drip irrigation in our front and back yards.  We purchased everything yesterday morning and Tool Lady spent most of the day running it through all the beds in the front yard while I pulled tomato suckers, harvested turnips seeds, helped out a bit, placed…
Recycled Celery

Recycled Celery

About a week ago I was pulling off a few stalks of store bought celery when I remembered a friend of mine saying that she had cut her celery off its base and plopped that base back into a bowl of water.  Shortly thereafter, she said it was growing new celery stalks! What?!  Celery can re-grow?  Yeah right!  Wait...that sounds…
Change Affected?

Change Affected?

Last night, while checking on Broody's food and water, we found this...Yep, that's an actual egg!  And guess what?  She wasn't laying on it!!!  She was walking around, eating, drinking and being calm!  Amazing!Do you see the egg at the bottom of the photo?And Broody at the top, having a little drink?It's probably too soon to tell if she's really…
Hops in the Garden

Hops in the Garden

A little over a month ago, we purchased a couple of hops plants from our friends at Spotty Dog Farm.  They did well under the grow lights until the weather warmed a bit, but when it came time to plant them out, the biggest one got completely fried and died back (even though I hardened it off again for quite…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!I couldn't wait to announce our very first strawberries as they were harvested last week so I posted about them on Wednesday!  They were absolutely divine!!!  There haven't been many of them, but the few we have eaten have been so sweet and juicy and well worth the wait!This is the first year we've had chamomile growing growing…