Sometimes, when I write a blog, I want to only show the good, beautiful, happiness that is happening with the yard or the chickens. Don’t ask me why, maybe it’s just in my nature. However, it’s not the whole truth and I know that I enjoy reading of other urban…
Thinning the Carrots
After a hard day at work Monday, I came home and played in the garden for a bit. There’s nothing quite like finding some perspective in amongst the sprouting of new life 🙂 While finding some perspective, I realized that the carrots were a little out of control and that,…
So…What the heck is a 14 day pantry challenge? Well, I’ve been reading a lot of blogs in my copious free time (huh?) and came across the March Pantry Challenge which was apparently inspired by this blog and this challenge. The goal is to eat what you have in your pantry, fridge and freezer for…
Today was a big…er…HUGE planting day! We planted about a million (no joke) seeds in our front and back yards in addition to a ton and a half of Wild Flower seeds both in beds and back behind our Top Bar Hive (the bees should arrive this week)! We still…
A Growing Problem…
I have a problem. A growing problem. I want to grow everything and it’s a problem. For real. I went to grab a couple of bags of soil yesterday morning to amend a couple of our smaller beds and wound up walking out with the soil AND 9 packets of…
Frankenstein Trees
Frankenstein Trees?!? What the heck is a Frankenstein Tree? Well, that’s what I call our four fruit trees that will each grow 4 different types of fruit. We have 2 apple trees, 1 pear tree and 1 cherry tree that will each give us four different types of each fruit.…
Let me start off by saying that I have Spring Fever in the worst kind of way. For real. All I want to do is play in the yard/garden, hang out with the chickens and plan, plan, plan how my garden will grow. Instead, I have to work. Stinkin’ responsibilities.…
Earth Day/Week/Year/Life AKA Random Ramblings
When I was a little girl I loved being outside. The smells, the sounds, the beauty and adventure of it all (arroyos included). I can’t tell you how many pictures I have of my 3 year old self playing in the garden! I’m not sure when the moment happened, but…