• Everything Else

    Seed Saving, Cosmos & My Mom

    In the past, seed saving has always been something I have thought about only in relation to crops.  The strongest/best fruits and veggies whose seeds are harvested in order to preserve their awesomeness and feed the people for generations to come.  I guess I have always thought of seed saving as an…

  • Chickens

    Cash as Trash

    If you were given $30, would you throw away $10?  According to this article this is exactly what we’re doing around the world with our food. Now, I know that I don’t consider myself one to have money to simply toss in the trash, however, I essentially do this by buying coffee,…

  • Uncategorized

    To CSA or not to CSA, that is the question!

    According to localharvest.org, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is: …a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of “shares” to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be…

  • Uncategorized

    Garden Happiness(es)

    Random happy happenings in the garden over the past week… The beans, sunflowers and blue corn are starting to peek! The snap peas are flowering! I think this might be might very first tomatillo sprout! The radishes are looking happy! Tool Lady is looking happy, too! One of the Newbies…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    This weeks harvest is full of green (again) in the form of spinach and one lonely stalk of rhubarb.  I am excited to be pulling greens form the garden on a regular basis for salads, sandwiches and snacks but am really looking forward to some color (hopefully) soon! This weeks…

  • Eat

    14 Day Pantry Challenge Wrap Up

    Alright.  It’s over.  Let’s look at what happened, what worked and what didn’t. I started the 14 Day Pantry Challenge two weeks ago to challenge myself and my family to eat only what we had in our pantry, fridge and freezers for 2 weeks.  No grocery shopping.  No going out to eat.…

  • Uncategorized

    14 Day Pantry Challenge Update

    Gobble, gobble, gobble! A huge success of this whole challenge has been the fact that we had a 15 pound turkey waiting for us in our deep freezer!  We purchased this guy last year at Thanksgiving time and have been saving him away for when we need him!  YAY! Now,…

  • Harvest

    Harvest Monday!!!

    This is my very first Harvest Monday post hosted by Daphne’s Dandelions!!!  Daphne hosts these Monday posts by not only blogging about what she has harvested, but by also allowing fellow bloggers to add their names to her post as well so we can all see what each of us is…