• Chickens

    Dear Chickens…

    I know there have been some changes around here lately that may have caused you a little stress, however, this whole “let’s get together and only lay 1-2 eggs a day for the humans” thing is completely unacceptable.  There are five of you currently laying! STEP. IT. UP. You were…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    This weeks Harvest Monday (hosted by Daphne at daphnesdandelions.blogspot.com ) will be shown in meals instead of just raw harvest… We had a staff potluck at work last week and I brought a wonderful (if I do say so myself) spinach salad.  I wish I could say I grew the strawberries…

  • Bees & Pollinators

    What’s All That Buzzing About??? – Part Two

    We have battled getting the video of our bee experience uploaded onto this blog for most of the afternoon. We finally broke down and decided to create a youtube account in order to better facilitate the uploading of videos!  So…here’s our very first video!  Warning…it involves lots of buzzing bees!!!…

  • Bees & Pollinators

    What’s All That Buzzing About???

    Our bees have finally arrived!!!  We are so super excited!!! The funny thing about the weekend is, I’ve been practicing leaving my phone in the bedroom so I can have some “unplugged” time…no calls or texts or randomness to worry about.  So, I did that this morning.  Then at about…

  • Harvest

    Random Garden Happiness(es)

    Here’s what’s happening in the garden this week!  It’s been so incredibly dry (and cold up until a couple of days ago) that I’m still waiting on the sweet corn, squash, zucchini and peanuts to peek (along with a few other veggies), but all these other happenings make me very…