• Uncategorized

    Seed Saving and Diversity of Crops

    In the most current edition of National Geographic there were two food related articles that kicked my ass.  While I already had some of this information, these articles really drove home a few things for me. The first, How to Feed a Growing Planet talked briefly about how our 7…

  • Everything Else

    Fire, Ash, Heat & Drought

    As those of you who live here know, and those of you who don’t have probably heard, there is a fire raging right on the edge of Los Alamos.  The whole town is evacuated, in need of food, shelter, compassion and a quick return to their (intact) homes.  At last…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    I missed last weeks Harvest Monday due to computer glitches and a crazy schedule.  It’s OK though, because there really wasn’t much to report.  This week, however, I’m back in the saddle 🙂 This week we harvested: 15 oz of Kale 1 oz of mint 1 pound of Garlic The…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvesting Garlic

    Last November we planted our very first round of garlic!  Don’t ask me what kind it was, because I am honestly not sure…all I know is that it was the good kind.  We simply went to the farmers market, found a nice big organic head, purchased it, brought it home,…

  • Grow - Harvest

    Garden Happiness(es)

    Round two of the snap peas is much smaller than Round One, but we already have a few flowers and one actual pea 🙂 The Blue Corn is coming along nicely!  This is my first year trying this variety…my fingers are officially crossed! All of the tomatoes I started from…

  • Bees & Pollinators

    We’ve Found Our Queen!

    It’s been about a month since we received our shipment of bees and they seem to be doing wonderfully!!! There are several combs being formed… Lots of pollen being collected… Lots of nectar being processed… It’s looking like we are now officially hosting a bunch of busy, busy, bees… Every…

  • Uncategorized

    Garden Happiness(es)

    How many flowers can there possibly be on one tomato plant?!? The second planting of snap peas is coming along nicely! Cutting lettuce growing in the shade under the tree in the front yard. Cucumber seedlings!  Straight Eights!  YAY! One massive tomato plant, a peeking basil and a hoard of…

  • Chickens

    Hot Chickens?

    With the temperature continuing to rise, I have just a little PSA for you: If you’re hot, your chickens are probably hot, too! Give ’em some watermelon to munch on, throw some ice cubes in their water, make sure they have some shade.  They’ll be happier for it and so…