• Everything Else


    I have said before that everything in the garden is not always wonderful or pretty.  Sometimes there are mutant toes, sometimes crops fail, sometimes the creatures take over, sometimes things are just plain gross.   Each evening when I get home from work I do a walk through of the…

  • Grow

    Garden Happiness(es)

    Hilled up potatoes! A corner of our back yard Fantastic sunset shot from the back yard Chickens like beets 🙂 The Butternut Squash is starting to run! Snap Peas and beans starting the long climb! Beans make for a pretty cover crop Spinach (second planting) under a tree in the…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone!!!  This week wasn’t as fruitful as I’d hoped it might be, but I’m still happy with the harvest… Mint = 1 ounce I’ve decided to keep on top of the harvesting and drying of our mint this year, so the plan is to snip a little each…

  • Bees & Pollinators

    Are We Being Robbed?!?

    Recently, Tool Lady and I saw some unusual behavior happening right outside our bee hive…The bees seemed to be moving very quickly and strangely right outside of the hive. At first we thought it was a robbery in progress.  You know, the whole fight to the death panic ensuing madness…

  • Environmental Education - Everything Else

    Seed to Seed

    A few months ago I decided to take the four season garden challenge hosted by Melinda over at One Green Generation.  The challenge is all about growing at least one new item in your yard each season. While some of the crops I mentioned in the initial posting about this challenge have failed (peanuts…

  • Chickens

    (Un)finished Projects

    We finally finished the roofing on the Chicken Mansion!!!  If you remember, we built the massive mansion a couple of months ago thinking that it was almost complete.  As time has passed, it has become apparent that it needed some roofing so as to avoid wet chickens through the (as…

  • Uncategorized

    Tomatoes and (butt) Rot

    Last night as I was doing my usual rounds in the garden, I noticed that our Pear Tomatoes were looking a little…well…not normal.  Their butts were all brown!  Tool Lady quickly looked it up and we decided it was probably being caused by a calcium deficiency in the soil.  Well,…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday!!!

    This has been exciting week in Harvest Land for us!  We’ve finally gotten some color in the mix!!! Snap Peas (Round Two) = 14 peas (almost a whole ounce!) At the beginning of last week, our beet bed was full… Then, after I harvested every other beet, it looked like…