The first pie pumpkin The first (ever) acorn squash I love the texture in this bed…Sunflowers, tomatoes and acorn squash Ashes made her way outside, Bo was not happy about it… Baby tomatoes…not suffering from butt rot The first lemon cucumber…the previous few mysteriously disappeared… The first bush snap pea…
Sourdough Starter
Believe it or not, I have never had my very own sourdough starter! I’ve wanted one for a couple of years now, but never got off my ass to actually start one. However, in my quest to try new things (including regularly making our own bread), this seems like a…
Harvest Monday!!!
This was an exciting week! We harvested our first, second, third, fourth and fifth tomatoes! That’s right, a total of 5 tomatoes in one week! Looks like all the patience has paid off and I couldn’t be happier! These are Yellow Taxi Tomatoes and are super yummy. The skins…
Planning the Fall & Winter Garden
If you were to be a fly on the wall in my home in the early hours of any given weekend morning, you would probably find my kitchen table looking something like this… That is because I love, love, love to plan. I have lists and diagrams and ideas and…
The First Tomato!!!
We harvested our first tomato yesterday evening!!! A Yellow Taxi weighing in at 2 whole ounces!!! It may be small, but it sure is beautiful!!!
Garden Happiness(es)
The beginnings of a jalapeno! This bed is 4 feet wide & the fence behind it is 6 feet tall. This means, officially, that our tomatoes are out of control. Buddha hanging out with the blue corn . How can something so green bring one so much happiness??? Bush snap…
When You Don’t Thin Your Carrots…
…they get all wrapped up in themselves. Silly carrots. (I really thought I got them all. I guess I was wrong. Oh well.)
Harvest Monday
Happy Monday everyone!!! This weeks harvest was very exciting because it was another first for us! We harvested all our onions!!! We also had our first harvest of our second round of spinach! While a few of the plants have gone to seed already, most of them are quite happy…