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    Indeterminate vs. Determinate

    This week I learned the difference between Determinate and Indeterminate tomatoes.  I really wish I had this knowledge before we planted all those tomatoes, but I guess now I’ll have the information forever. Here’s what I learned: Indeterminate tomatoes ~are vining tomatoes and take up lots of space~need lots of support~have…

  • Grow

    When Spinach Bolts

    My attempt at growing spinach through the summer has been foiled by all the crazy hot weather we’ve been experiencing.  I thought that because there is a spot in the front yard that never gets any direct sun, I just might be able to grow lettuces and spinach all summer.…

  • Grow - Harvest

    Garden Happiness(es)

    The sweet corn in the back yard seems to be confused…it’s not even 3 feet tall, but it’s starting to try to produce corn…weird! The German Butterball Potatoes  are getting ready to flower! The Butternut Squash is getting some color texture! Bush Beans, Pole Beans and Snap Peas Mystery tomatoes…

  • Uncategorized

    How to Make Yarn Out of Plastic Bags

    Alright…I have wanted to try crocheting using plastic bags for a while now, I just haven’t gotten around to it until now.  I won’t even try to make excuses. Now, how the heck do you make yarn out of plastic bags? Start by laying your bag out flat on any…

  • Uncategorized

    Newbie Eggs?

    Last year, when our 5 Ameracaunas first started laying, we were greeted each day with a weird, shell-less, goopy thing that looked like it wanted to be an egg, but just wasn’t quite sure how to get there.  This lasted for about 2 eggs per chicken and was real fun…

  • Uncategorized

    Hilling Up Corn

    Apparently, hilling up your corn will strengthen it against the wind, allowing it to grow more roots than it would otherwise.  To date, our corn has done just fine without messing with it.  But then again, we have never grown blue corn before. Our blue corn (which is in the…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday!!!

    Happy Monday, everyone! This week brought more tomatoes (thank goodness), the last of (the second round of) spinach, a couple of carrots and a few more snap peas… …and the very first summer squash of the year!!! Yay for a little variety (even though I didn’t get pictures of everything)!!!…

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    Distraction Crops

    A couple of days ago I was talking to Alex over at Spotty Dog Farm about distraction crops (AKA trap crops).  They can be weeds or plants that come up accidently or that are planted on purpose (think companion planting) and will either distract the bad bugs with their scent…