I am killing some time in garden, waiting for the temps to fall just a bit before putting in some of our fall/winter crops. This bed holds broccoli in back (“this is just a test…”), buck wheat in the middle and a trio mix of bush beans in front. The…
When you keep chickens, you have to take care of them. You have to water them, clean out their coop, feed them and collect their eggs. You can also ooohhh and aaahhh over the chick cuteness, pick them up, pet them, give them treats and laugh at their antics, but…
It’s official! Our Newbies are laying!!! Yesterday we got 6 eggs from 7 chickens!!! We are so incredibly excited!!! The one downside to this whole thing is that one of our Newbies hasn’t figured out that you need to leave the Originals alone when they’re trying to lay. It’s not…
When Sourdough Starters Go Bad…
…they go really, really bad. Yep, that is an actual bug hanging out on the edge of the liquid you see there. Larvae. Whatever. It wasn’t alone, either. Gross. Disgusting, actually. I threw it out. All of it. Not sure if we got a bad batch of flour, or if…
Garden Happiness(es)
Here’s a glimpse into what’s happening in the garden this week… The German Butterball potatoes are flowering! The red potatoes are flowering, too! Our first pie pumpkin is almost ready! Acorn Squash Cherry toms Blue corn & sunflowers Our blue corn is silking…although some of it is white… …and some…
See-Through Tomatoes?!?
We have yet another garden mystery… What on earth causes tomatoes to have almost see-through skin??? The skin itself feels super soft and I can actually feel the seeds underneath the skin! Every other tomato on this plant look perfectly normal. It’s just these two. WEIRD!!! Ideas???
Harvest Monday!!!
This weeks harvest is both exciting (the first Roma tomato) and redundant (tomatoes galore). We’ve continued to enjoy an abundance of Yellow Taxis, a few cherry toms here and there, several Romas, a sprig of mint (as a gift for Brother & Brother’s girlfriend Eliza) and a very few snap…
Onion Stringing
One of my favorite books is The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live It by John Seymour. I love this book not only for it’s information, but for it’s inspiration. Reading it makes me feel that, eventually, we just might be able to have an actual homestead (beyond our…