• Harvest

    Falling Into (what is almost) Fall

    A cold front is moving through and our temps are about 20 degrees below where they’ve been for what feels like forever.  It’s raining lightly right now and I’m happily drinking a cup of hot tea in the middle of the afternoon.  Tomorrow is the unofficial last day of summer,…

  • Grow - Harvest

    Garden Wrap Up

    This summer has been a whirlwind of events!  Between general life, work, the garden, the bees, the chickens, the drought and my decision to go back to school this fall, I’m exhausted.  Despite my exhaustion, I am incredibly excited about our veggies, all that has been produced and all that…

  • Grow - Harvest

    Garden Happiness(es)

    Summer and Winter Squash, making friends. The potatoes have almost completely recovered after their battering by the hail a week ago!  Thank goodness! The tiniest sunflower EVER… …See how tiny it is in comparison to the morning glory??? I love the variety our chickens give us in the size, shape…

  • Uncategorized

    Distraction Crop Turned Snack

    What do you do with a failed cauliflower turned distraction crop when it’s just freaking you out too much to stay in the front yard???  You put it in the chicken coop in the backyard and give the ladies a tasty, protein rich snack! Mmmmm…yummy aphids!!! I haven’t taken a…

  • Uncategorized

    Tomatoes & Squash & Basil….Oh My!!!

    What do you do with an over-abundance of tomatoes, squash, potatoes and basil?  Grab a pan (a lasagna pan works nicely) and sprinkle a bit of olive oil in the bottom.  Then, slice everything up, add some tofu for your protein punch, layer it up, sprinkle some more olive oil…

  • Uncategorized

    Stinkin’ Horn Worms

    I read once that horn worms don’t actually eat your tomatoes, they only eat the leaves.  I think who ever wrote that was confused…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone!!! This week was a jumble of harvesting and non-harvesting due to guests being in town and then a cold that caught me. Some highlights are: the first blue corn that was…er…not blue, lots of tomatoes, the very first lemon cucumber ever, lots of beans (these are all…

  • Uncategorized

    Garden Happiness(es)

    Sunflower & blue corn Winter squash, morning glories and a rouge sunflower Blue corn…so close to harvest ready! Lemon cucumbers!!! Jalapeno A single tomatillo flower What’s growing in your garden this week?