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    Homemade Ravioli

    Ravioli is one of those foods that I have always loved, but rarely eat because it is so freakin’ expensive to buy!  Luckily for me, Tool Lady decided several months ago to try out making it at home.  We’ve experimented with a few different recipes and are experimenting still, but…

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    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! I am definitely missing the days of mass harvests and great diversity…they seem so far away, but really, they were only a few weeks ago!  Crazy!  However, I AM grateful to be be pulling in some yumminess from the garden and am definitely looking forward to the…

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    Garden Happiness(es)

    This nasturtium is to be expected at this time of year… …but this little rose is quite a nice surprise! The fall snap peas look happy and healthy…just waiting for blossoms Kale and beets in the raised beds A little bit of lettuce 🙂 The tips of what’s left of…

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    Fall & Winter Crops – 2011/2012

    Alright, I’ve finally planted out both of the raised beds in the front yard.  Here’s what we’ve planted and are hoping to harvest throughout the winter and into next spring. 4X5 bed.  In order of rows sown, back to front, succession plantings sown early August through early October. Broccoli Carrots…

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    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday, everyone! This week featured tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes (it’s a good thing we like ’em), a few potatoes and carrots (it’s a good thing we like those, too) and a tiny bit of the first fall lettuce!!! As tomatoes have been ripening in the garage, we’ve been…

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    The Great Potato Harvest of 2011

    On the last weekend in April we planted 2.5 pounds of German Butterballs in some recycled kiddie pools and a few ounces of red potatoes (that were sprouting in the pantry) in a big bucket. After many months of waiting, drought, hail storms and lots of patience, the time finally came to…

  • Environmental Education - Everything Else

    Broccoli for Beginners

    This fall, for the first time ever (and as part of the 2011 Growing Challenge), we are growing broccoli.  These beauties were planted (sown as seed directly into our 4X5 raised bed) in August , are growing happily and will be covered shortly as the beds become wagons.  Not only…

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    Last Wednesday, with freezing temperatures in the forecast and our weekend trip planned, Tool Lady and I decided it would probably be best to pull everything out of our 4X6 raised bed.  What exactly did “everything” include? Well, 12 tomato plants, 2 lemon cucumber vines, 2 basil plants, a bell…