Can you believe it? Yep, I’m still saving seeds! This batch, added to the last batch, gives me a total of 22 different seeds saved so far this year! From Organic veggies planted and harvested from our yard we have butternut squash (grown form seeds grown in 2010, grown from…
Harvest Monday
Happy Monday everyone! This week brought us our very first broccoli ever, what is possibly the very last of the tomatoes, a few shallots and a little bit of kale. The winter veggies are starting to look good in the wagons, though it’ll be a while until we’re harvesting big…
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, as part of the 2011 Growing Challenge, we are growing broccoli for the first time ever. Guess what? It worked! Today I got to harvest our very first broccoli from the garden! I’ve learned that, to ensure that you’re broccoli is ready for…
The world population jumping over the 7 billion mark has had me thinking a bit about my place in the grand scheme of things. So, after reading a few articles (here and here and here) and playing with a couple of gadgets (here and here) I decided to re-watch this video:…
Harvest Monday
Happy Monday everyone! Not much to report this week…I almost didn’t post…but then decided that any harvest is better than no harvest at all! So…yay for 4 pounds!!! I’m still hoping to make the 200 pound mark before the end of this year. Fingers crossed!!! All of this weeks tomatoes…
Where Does Your Food Come From?
I’ve seen this video in a couple of different places recently, including on Allison’s blog, and finally decided it was time to post it here. It’s just too good to not share 🙂 Though the focus is on Canadian Agriculture, we face similar issues here in the U.S. Knowledge is power, and…
Buffalo Stew
What do you get when you take carrots and potatoes from the garden, onions, a bit of buffalo stew meat and some beef stock? The best stew ever! Well…at least one of the best stews ever 😉 Unfortunately, as happens most days, we didn’t do any measurements on anything…just browned…
It’s only a matter of time until the ground is frozen over, all the green is gone and covered by a blanket of white. I enjoy winter. I really do. I just wish it wasn’t 3 months long. I could be happy with just Spring, Summer and Fall…you? Right now,…