Well, I finally sat down and wrapped my head around all of the seeds we have left over from packets purchased last year (and a few from the year before…yes…2010!), seeds we have saved from our garden and from organic veggies obtained from the grocery store or our CSA as…
The bees are cleaning house! A couple of days ago the sun was shining and it was pretty warm out (50ish is my guess), so the bees took the opportunity to clean out their dead. One by one they flew out with a dead bee in their clutches and simply…
We got a pressure canner!!! It wasn’t planned for, but sometimes (most of the time) it’s better that way! Since 2011 marked our first experiences with water bath canning, I’m super excited to add pressure canning to my list of things to learn more about in 2012! So far, so…
Harvest Monday
Happy Monday & Happy 2012, everyone! This weeks harvest was the last harvest of 2011 and was a tiny one, but a harvest none-the-less 🙂 Again, we have greens! Enough greens for three good sized salads! I am especially grateful for our grow lights these days given the state…
When we first moved into our house 4 1/2 years ago, one of our favorite things about it was our pantry. It was not original to the house…at some point over the past 30+ years, one of the previous owners decided to add in a pantry by breaking through the…
Harvest Monday
Happy Monday everyone! I’ve been MIA in this space for a bit due to the fact that there have been no harvests to post about. Trust me, I’ve been very sad about it! However, this week I actually have a harvest to celebrate! Yep, we’ve made it back into another…
Back in August I asked this question, so we’ve been tracking it on my sidebar ever since. This is what’s happened in a nut (egg?) shell… For a while (read: when we first started this challenge), we were getting 6-7 eggs a day and I was feeling extremely optimistic about…
Seed Gifts
Anyone who knows me, even just a little, probably knows that I absolutely love seeds! Well, I’ve now received 3 separate envelopes of seeds in the mail and I’m just beside myself with excitement! I know, I know, it’s going to be MONTHS before I can plant any of them,…