• Uncategorized

    Seeds & Soon-To-Be-Sprouts

    I may be getting a bit ahead of myself here, but I’m longing for spring and feeling like testing a few boundaries.  Since we have our grow lights in place, happily helping along our greens, some herbs and even a few bush beans, I figured it was worth a little…

  • Harvest

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! I’ve been checking on (and watering) our hoop houses/wagons about once a week.  Their growth is slow and not very exciting, so I don’t usually bother during the week, just on the weekends.  The short days are also a factor and I don’t ever want to let…

  • Food Storage & Preservation

    Sweet, Sweet Jams

    One day, hopefully later this year, we will have a pantry that is stocked full with jars and jars of food that we have canned.  Oh how I swoon over pictures of pantries that have already accomplished this!  In the meantime, however, I am finding pride and joy in the…

  • DIY - Grow

    Greens and Grow Lights

    When we first set up our grow lights, we planted a few flats of greens, sprouts, micro greens and wheat grass just to see what would happen.  Well, it’s actually been really great!  We’ve harvested enough for several meals (salads and greens for sandwiches) and have juiced wheat grass several…

  • Harvest

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day everyone! This weeks harvest includes more greens from under our grow lights, a bit of spinach from our hoop houses/wagons and a little extra bonus! Yep…you guessed it…our chickens have begun laying eggs again.  I mean, really laying eggs…not the whole one every few…

  • Uncategorized

    Homemade Pasta

    Driven by our love of spaghetti, our success with ravioli and our brand new juicer/pasta maker, we decided to make our own pasta!  It’s super easy, super tasty and we know exactly what ingredients are in it.  Oh, and since our juicer also makes pasta, it’s kind of like magic…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! This first full week of the New Year has brought us a bit of a new harvest as well…Spinach!!!  It’s not much, but we’ll take it!  Especially since it grew in the hoop houses/wagons and they’ve been struggling so much! We also harvested a few more mixed…

  • DIY

    Garlic Powder – DIY

    We recently discovered that some of our garlic was starting to sprout, so we decided to try our hand at making our very own Garlic Powder. We pulled three heads of garlic, broke up their cloves and took their skins off. Then we sliced them up and put them in…