• Uncategorized

    Independence Days Challenge

    I have signed on to participate in the Independence Days Challenge over at The Chatelaine’s Keys and I am very excited about it!  I’ve seen it mentioned before, but it wasn’t active (again) until now!  I’m looking forward to tracking all that we’re doing, because despite all the busy-ness of…

  • Uncategorized

    Growing Herbs Indoors

    Each year that I have planted a garden, I have planted at least a few herbs and teas…Basil, chamomile, echinacae, dill, oregano, kota, sage…The first year: nothing. The second year: we put in the mint and it did great. The third year (last year): a little bit of basil and…

  • Uncategorized

    Sourdough Bread

    Several months ago, I attempted to start a sourdough starter.  I say attempted because it failed miserably (there were flies and maggots involved, it was beyond gross). Well, it took me long enough, but I finally got one going again and was very intentional to keep that baby covered up…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! We’ve got some more greens to report this week!  Enough to actually make a couple of small salads!  I checked on our wagons again and things are looking steadily better, I even poked my finger around a few carrots and they seem to be sizing up nicely…

  • Grow

    2012 Garden Planning

    With a full year of really gardening under our belts (we’re like newborns, I swear, there’s so much to learn!), we’re trying to figure out how to grow even more veggies in our limited space! I recently borrowed How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons from my friends at…

  • Uncategorized

    A Quarter of a Cow

    Yep, we’ve just received our very first quarter of a cow!   After initially looking into another farm, we finally decided to go with D & R Ranch up in Mora.  They were nice, fast and fairly priced.  Turn around time was just a couple of weeks and I do believe…

  • Chickens

    Dirty Eggs & Cute Chickens

    So, last week our chickens decided to lay their eggs not in their cozy nesting boxes, but in the back corner of their coop, right under their roost.  The problem with this?  Well, it is the only part of the coop that is not easily accessible to us without a…

  • Food Storage & Preservation

    Pickled Red Beet Eggs

    A couple of days ago, Tool Lady heard about Pickled Red Beet Eggs from a volunteer at work.  He stated that they were one of his favorites, and since he’s been such an awesome volunteer, we decided we should try to make some for him. After several Google searches we…