• Food Storage & Preservation

    Buy It Cheap, Put It Up

    What do you do when you find some yummy veggies and beans on sale?  That’s right, you buy them, bring them home and can them.  All in one day.  Yeah…sometimes we’re a little crazy… On Sunday Tool Lady found some great deals while doing our bi-weekly grocery shopping so we…

  • Chickens

    Chick Training

    Chicks are super cute and fuzzy and brand new and everybody loves them…and then they grow up to be actual chickens who peck and squawk and poop everywhere all the time.  Who knew, right?! So, how do you get those cute, cuddly chicks to stay semi-cute and lovable once they’re grown and…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! Alright, so I finally got into the hoop houses again on Saturday.  The sun was shining beautifully and it was quite warm outside…scary warm for February, actually.  I checked everything out, watered the fruit trees and just enjoyed the sun on my back for a bit.  I…

  • Eat - Grow - Harvest - Prepare

    Independence Days

    Happy Independence days everyone!  Here are this weeks accomplishments… Plant something:  1 flat of greens (Sassy Salad, Micro Greens & Spinach) Yellow Taxi Tomatoes Cherokee Purple Tomatoes Roma Tomatoes Brandywine Tomatoes I’ve got visions of tomatoes dancing in my head… Harvest something:  1 oz mixed greens 15 eggs Preserve something: …

  • Chickens

    The Newest Newbies!

    Our new chicks are in and are officially the cutest little ladies ever!  I’ll post more about how we plan to build a new brooder and expand the chicken run to accommodate our 9 new cuties (3 Ameraucanas, 3 Australorps & 3 Buff Orpingtons) , but for now, let’s just enjoy the…

  • Uncategorized

    Tomato & Pepper Sprouts

    These little guys have popped up among a few of the seeds I’ve started in anticipation of warmer days… Yellow Taxi Tomatoes Green Bell Peppers Since I’ve gotten such an early start, right now I’m just putting a few seeds in pods every week or so (kind of as an…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday, everyone! I didn’t crack open the wagons this week…just been bombarded with finding the new balance between home, work, school and life in general.  Given this, the only tiny little harvest we have to report is… Yep!  Greens!!! This weeks totals: Mixed Greens = 1 itty bitty ounce…

  • Grow - Harvest

    Independence Days

    Here’s my very first Independence Days post!  I’ve found that I’ve struggled a bit with what should actually be written here for a couple of reasons.  1) There are things we have gotten in the habit of doing and now we just do them without really thinking about it.  This is a…