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    Blue Corn…

    Last spring we tried our hands at growing blue corn.  It grew well…strong and tall…and we wound up harvesting about 15 ears from our tiny experimental patch.  The thing about blue corn is that you don’t eat it fresh, you dry it and then grind it up into a flour.…

  • Uncategorized

    Harvest Monday

    Happy Monday everyone! This week I’ll be posting two weeks worth of harvests since I didn’t make it into this space last week.  Even still, trust me, there’s not a lot to post about 😉  Just a few greens, some spinach and a few carrots (yep, again) to report this…

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    Sunshine and New Feathers

    Today it is absolutely gorgeous outside!  The sun is shining, the sky is bright blue and there is very little wind.  We thought it was the perfect day to let our newest Newbies have some time in the sunshine!  So, out of the brooder they came! At first they were…

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    Independence Days

    Happy Independence Days! Plant something (under the grow lights): 3 broccoli 24 green bunching onions Harvest something (veggies & basil from under the grow lights): 2 oz mixed lettuce 1 oz spinach a couple of basil leaves 20 eggs Preserve something: We froze a half gallon of red chile purchased…

  • Chickens

    Chick Roosting

    Why do chickens roost?  To stay safe from predators at night, of course 🙂  Apparently the Little Ones like to roost even though they’re safe (er…trapped) in their nice, warm brooder! I have found, at different times, both the Ameraucanas and the Astralorps on their mini, impromptu roosting bar.  I…

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    Straw Bale Gardening?

    Well, since I last posted our 2012 garden plans, we’ve started talking about changing up our backyard. The original (working) 2012 Backyard Garden plan as of a few weeks ago What does  “changing up our backyard” mean?  Well, taking out the rocks/gravel and adding in some new beds for veggies.…

  • Eat - Grow - Harvest - Prepare

    Independence Days

    Happy Independence Days everyone! With the weather still acting…well…not very winter-like, I spent a little time last weekend watering our fruit trees.  The terrifying thing is that they’re already trying to bud out. Why is this terrifying?  Well, because we still have a good three months of freezing and possible…