Oy…I opened up my seed bin the other day and found this… Gross. How the heck am I supposed to find anything in there!? It’s all inventoried…I know what I have…I just can’t find it when it’s time to do something with it…like plant it! So, I sat myself down…
Independence Days
Happy Independence Days, everyone! TGIF! I have been absolutely itching for spring this week! The weather’s been a mix of beautiful, disgustingly windy and a bit snowy. Torture, really. Next week is supposed to be in the upper 50s all week. However, we still have about a 2 months until…
Last weekend, with the sun shining brightly overhead, and the wind whipping across the back of the house, we decided to bring the newest Newbies into the front yard again for some exploration. To encourage foraging, Tool Lady threw down some feed and a few kernels of corn. They were very excited…
So, you’ve planted some seeds, nursed them into existence and now you’re going to lop their heads off?! Yep!!! Alright, I know it’s hard…I actually hate this process…but it’s necessary in order to ensure that each of your plants has its best chance at producing some delicious harvests for you later this…
Harvest Monday
Happy Monday, everyone!!! Well, this week the weather has been all over the place! Warm and sunny mixed with cold and windy. We even got a couple of dustings of snow. Weird, weird winter. The warmth and longer days have really affected our hoop houses and everything is looking even…
With seeds starting season at its very beginning, I have realized that I don’t have enough pods to get me through! I debated about just buying a few more flats, but decided instead to buy a bag of organic seed starting mix and try to make my own pods out…
Independence Days
Happy Independence Days, everyone! Plant something: This week I’ve begun the process of attempting to sprout my sweet potatoes in order to grow a few slips. Not sure if I’m doing it right though…I’ve read a variety of things and most seem to contradict each other…I’ve cut one sweet potato…
Linking up to the 2012 Color Photography Project hosted by An Offering of Love and Insert Metaphor